Tracing Your Colonial American Ancestors - PDF eBook
Tracing Your Colonial American Ancestors; by David A. Norris, from the Publishers of "Internet Genealogy" & "History Magazine"; 2013; PDF eBook; 82 pp; 8.5x11; Item #: MM015
This book is also available as a soft cover saddle-stapled book.
Discover Your Colonial Roots
- Vital Records Sources
- Revolutionary War Records
- Militia Records
- Tax Rolls
- Colonial Court Records
- Poll Books
- Colonial Maps
- Ship Passenger Lists
- Land & Probate Records
- And Much More!
Table of Contents:
- Colonial Newspapers, Newspapers of the day can offer more than just news about your ancestor, but also a look into their daily lives
- Maps of Colonial America, Between websites, atlases and modern reproductions, there are lots of places to find maps from the colonial era
- Revolutionary War Records, We look at some rich resources for early births, marriages, maiden names and more
- Birth, Marriages & Deaths. Tips and hints for locating more vital record information for colonial ancestors. Look outside the box!
- The New Calendar, The change to the new calendar in 1752 left a mess for future generations of historians and genealogists
- Passenger Ship Records, There are many passenger records for colonial ancestors that have been published or placed online
- Tax Roll & Colonial Censuses, A look at colonial censuses, along with tax rolls and tithables as helpful census substitutes
- Militia Records, Militia records for the colonial period can serve as useful census substitutes when trying to locate ancestors
- Colonial Money, It wasn’t all coins and paper money; quite often our ancestors relied on barter and credit
- Colonial Court, Along with probate and land records, court records offer some of the richest resources for your research
- The French and Indian Wars, Four European wars spilled over into the histories of many New World families
- Indentured Servants, There are a number of easily accessible published and online sources to help you locate your ancestor
- Voting & Poll Books, Most election lists are long lost, but scattered lists of voters remain for some of the colonies
- Political Committees, Opposition to British rule created new types of family history records
- Probate and Land Records, Some of the best information you will discover will come from the land and probate records of your ancestors
- Colonial Weights & Measures, The US inherited some British systems of measurement, but differed on others after American independence.
- Brands, Ear Marks & Strays - Records of your ancestors’ livestock can be a gateway to the past
- Predator Bounty Records, Records of bounties on various types of predators or “animal nuisances” can add color to your family history.