Tracing Your WWI Military Ancestors - PDF
Tracing Your WWI Military Ancestors-PDF; 2014; 82 pp; PDF eBook; ISBN 978-0-9877507-9-2; Item# MM020-PDF.
This item may also be purchased as a printed saddle-stapled book.
Tracing Your WWI Military Ancestors is an 84-page, 15-article, special edition publication featuring the best in WWI research articles from five different contributors. The contents and purpose of this publication are perhaps best described in the words of the editors:
“As family history researchers, we are entering an exciting time. It has now been one hundred years since the outbreak of the Great War, and the focus for many of us is to discover, and give life, to our ancestors who fought and gave so much in the service of their respective countries. Compared to just a few short years ago, the task of researching the military service files for the soldiers and volunteers who made up the fighting forces in WWI has become much easier. Our purpose with this latest edition in our Tracing Your Ancestors series is intended to help you discover what is available through the vast Internet-based resources, various national archives and other repositories, and how to gain access to that information. The nations we are covering include Australia and New Zealand, Italy and Austria, Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. ”
This publication features the writings of Gabrielle Morgan, David A. Norris, Alan Stewart, Mary M. Tedesco, and Glenn Wright. Readers of other Tracing Your Ancestors publications or Internet Genealogy, Family Chronicle, or History Magazine may recognize some of these names as regular contributors.