Tracing Your Scottish Ancestors
Tracing Your Scottish Ancestors – a Tracing Your Ancestors publication by Christine Woodcock: from the Publishers of Internet Genealogy & History Magazine; printed in 2017; 66 pages; ISBN 978-1-926510-06-4; Item #MM025.
This item is also available as a PDF eBook.
- Genealogy BASICS!
- Researching Criminal Ancestors
- Researching in Libraries & Archives
- Plan a Research Trip to Your Ancestral Homeland!
- Breaking Through Brick Walls
- Researching the Clearances
- Records of the Hudson’s Bay Company
- Create a Genealogy Toolbox!
Here is a complete list of articles you will find in this special edition publication:
- Finding Your Scottish Ancestors: The Basics Getting Started, and how to properly cite your sources
- What’s In a Name? Understanding naming patterns may seem daunting, but we offer some tips to make it easier
- What’s In Your Scottish Genealogy Toolbox? Be prepared with a good set of research tools
- Who’s Your Daddy? Researching the illegitimate birth of an ancestor
- Breaking Through Brick Walls; Reviewing documents can reveal hidden gems and help you find those elusive ancestors
- Genealogy Treasures in Scottish Libraries; There’s a vast array of resources to discover in Scottish libraries
- Researching In Archives; Archives hold vast amounts of material to assist you in understanding your ancestors’ lives
- Maps, Marvelous Maps; Join the crowd in helping to preserve the names of Scottish towns
- The Scottish Clearances; Massive changes in farming practices eventually forces many to leave Scotland for the colonies
- Researching Occupations; The work of your ancestors is an important part of researching their lives
- Researching Criminal Ancestors; If your ancestors came before the courts, there are a wealth of records for you to explore
- Researching Mental Health Records in Scotland; There are a variety of records available for researching an ancestor who was institutionalized
- Military Men, Covenanters and Jacobites; Pre-1800s colonial arrivals may have been part of the military, or sent as exiles for their perceived crimes
- Scotland’s Connection to the Hudson’s Bay Company; From the early 18th century, men from Orkney were recruited for the Hudson’s Bay Company
- Planning a Research Trip to Your Ancestral Homeland; Walk where your ancestors walked, and experience a real connection to your family’s history.