Tracing Your Italian Ancestors
Tracing Your Italian Ancestors, from the Publishers of "Internet Genealogy" & "History Magazine"; by Marcia Iannizzi Melnyk & Mary M. Tedesco; Published 2015; 82 pp; Item # MM018
This book is also available in PDF eBook format.
Here is a complete list of articles you will find in this special edition publication:
- Italian Research Basics Marcia Iannizzi Melnyk shares strategies and available resources to help you get started in your search
- Home And Family Records, Marcia Iannizzi Melnyk looks at the importance of talking to your oldest relatives to see what they can add to your research
- Naturalization Records, Marcia Iannizzi Melnyk looks at one of the most important records you will need for your Italian research
- Passenger Manifests, Marcia Iannizzi Melnyk looks at the records available to help trace your ancestors’ travels to their new homeland
- Microfilm And Online Records Marcia Iannizzi Melnyk explains what you can discover in microfilm and online image resources
- Planning A Research Trip To Italy Mary M. Tedesco offers tips for success and suggestions for repositories you shouldn’t miss
- Understanding Italian Civil Records Mary M. Tedesco looks at why civil records are an important part of Italian genealogy research
- Roman Catholic Church Records Mary M. Tedesco shines a light on the various resources available from the Roman Catholic Church
- Italian Notary Records Mary M. Tedesco reveals why these records are the best source for adding context to a family’s life
- Italian Military Records Mary M. Tedesco looks at Italian military records for your family history research
- Children Born to Unwed Parents in Italy Mary M. Tedesco offers strategies for researching children born to unwed parents in Italy
- Visiting Italian Ancestral Villages Mary M. Tedesco shows us why it’s important to experience your ancestral homeland.