Tracing Your Eastern European Ancestors
Tracing Your Eastern European Ancestors, from the Publishers of "Family Chronicle" and "Internet Genealogy" & "History Magazine"; Edited by Edward Zapletal; Published 2013; 82 pp; Item # MM016
This book is also available in PDF eBook format.
- Researching Russian Ancestors!
- A Look at MyHeritage’s Record Match
- Eastern European Genealogy Societies
- And More!
Here is a complete list of articles you will find in this special edition publication:
- 10 Ways to Jumpstart Your Eastern European Research! Lisa A. Alzo shows you the steps to track down your Eastern European roots
- Using Maps & Gazetteers, Dave Obee show us how to use maps and gazetteers to locate where your ancestors lived
- Online Resources for Researching Eastern European Ancestors, Lisa A. Alzo reviews some of the best websites for learning about your East European ancestors
- Meet Your Matches: Helpful Tools from MyHeritage.com, Lisa a. Alzo discusses how to use some great tools from MyHeritage.com to research East European ancestors
- Top 10 Websites for Finding Your Polish Ancestors! Donna J. Pointkouski looks at ten websites to help you locate your Polish ancestors
- JRI-Poland Expands Access, Lisa A. Alzo reports on a new agreement between The Polish State Archives and Jewish Records Indexing-Poland
- Online Hungarian Research, Lisa A. Alzo reviews the latest online resources for Hungary (With special thanks to Beth Long)
- Researching the Hungarian Census, Smiljka Kitanovic explains the resources available for researching your Hungarian ancestors
- Start Researching Your Czech Ancestors, Scott Phillips outlines the sources you’ll need to start on a successful journey to find your Czech ancestors
- Five Great Sites fro Researching Your Slovak Ancestors! Lisa A. Alzo discusses the key websites you need to know to research your Slovak ancestors
- Researching Your Ukrainian Ancestors, Matthew Bielawa discusses taking the first “steppes” to finding your Ukrainian ancestors
- Researching Your Russian Ancestors, Rick Norberg explores five websites that will be helpful for researching your Russian ancestors
- Benefits of Joining an Ethnic Genealogical Society, Lisa A. Alzo discusses the role of ethnic genealogical societies in family history research
- Five Simple Ways to Share Old Favorites, Lisa A. Alzo discusses five ways you can share Eastern European recipes and traditions online.