Tracing Your Ancestors: Hispanic Research - A Practical Guide - PDF ebook
Tracing Your Ancestors: Hispanic Research - A Practical Guide - PDF ebook, by Gena Philbert Ortega; Oct. 16, 2018; 66 pp, PDF eBook; ISBN: 978-1-926510-10-1; Item #: MM03PDF
This item is also available as a printed saddle-stapled book.
At last! An inexpensive up-to-date guide for those of us doing Hispanic research. Moorshead Magazines just released a new 66-page booklet entitled Tracing Your Ancestors - Hispanic Research, A Practical Guide. Written by my friend, Gena Philibert-Ortega, she was actually born in Spain, and her maternal grandmother was born in Mexico. So Gena's interest goes back a long ways! This booklet tells how to get started - and then what to do!
The following is from the Table of Contents:
- First Things First: Start With FamilySearch - FamilySearch offers a wealth of research resources to assist you in your Hispanic research.
- Researching Ancestors in the US - We look at some US-based records and why it's important not to overlook the home front.
- Help! I Don't Read Spanish! - There are some helpful online resources to assist you in Reading Spanish documents.
- Advice From The Experts - Tips, hints and favorite sources from others who have done the research.
- Catholic Church Records - Researchers in Hispanic family History will find a wealth of resources in parish records.
- Spanish-Language Newspapers - Spanish-language newspapers in the US can help you place your ancestors in time.
- Naturalization Records - Understanding how naturalization and laws have changed over time.
- Mexican Border Crossing Records - An excellent resource for information about your ancestors that might be absent in other records.
- Researching Mexican Heritage - We show you how to get started in your Mexican family history research with a focus on planning.
- Online Records in Central & South America - Begin with family interviews and home sources, but don't overlook the FamilySearch collections.
- Cuban Research 101 - We offer some advice on how to overcome the difficulties of researching Cuban ancestors.
- Five Things You Should Know About Puerto Rican Research - If you have Puerto Rican ancestors, there's a wealth of resources to aid you in your search.
- DNA Testing For Hispanic Research - Take your family history to the next level.
- Societies: Your Key To Success - Find out how you can further your success by networking with like-minded family historians.