Tracing Your Ancestors: Eastern European Research, A Practical Guide
Tracing Your Ancestors: Eastern European Research, A Practical Guide; by Lisa A. Alzo and Dave Obee; 2020; 66 pp; soft cover; saddle-stapled; ISBN 978-1-926510-13-2; Item #: MM033.
This book is also available as a PDF eBook.
Written by Eastern European research experts, Lisa Alzo and Dave Obee, this new guide to Eastern European research covers topics I've not seen written about previously, and updates and reviews some old ones. The following is from the Table of Contents:
- Researching Here and Over There - Tips for tracing your Eastern European roots from both sides of the ocean
- The Sources You Might Be Missing - Resources for Eastern European genealogists that often fly under the radar
- Using FamilySearch - We look at what's new and updated in collections available at FamilySearch with Greg Nelson
- Sorting Out Surnames - Understanding the meanings, suffixes, and variations of Eastern European surnames
- Ten Most Useful Databases - The best places to find online records for Eastern European ancestors
- Eastern European Places names - "Where is that?" Four steps you should take for determining Eastern European place names
- Researching Volhynia - Dave Obee looks at the history and genealogical resources for this almost-forgotten German colony
- Austria-Hungarian Research - A Collection of 17 sites for researching ancestors in Austria and Hungary
- Census Research - How to locate Eastern European enumeration and population schedules
- Beginning Baltics Research - Tips and resources for tracing ancestors in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania
- Translation Tools - A look at some of the best tools to help you work with Eastern European documents
- Poland, Ukraine & Galicia - A look at 15 top resources you will want to Explore
- Ten Eastern European Societies - We show you how ethnic genealogical societies can further your research!