Tracing Your Ancestors - DNA & Your Genealogy
Tracing Your Ancestors - DNA & Your Genealogy; by Dr. Maurice Gleeson MB; 2018; 66 pp; PDF eBook; Saddle-stapled; Soft Cover Item #: MM028
This book may also be purchased as a PDF eBook.
This 66 page DNA guide is the most easy-to understand published to date. Heavily illustrated, this guide is for the rest of us!
The following is from the Table of Contents:
Background- Preamble
- What's in you closet?
- Why turn to DNA?
- What Companies offer DNA tests?
- What can you get from a DNA test?
- The three main DNA tests (and what they can do for you)
- Which DNA test is best for me?
- A closer look at chromosomes
- The two different types of DNA Marker
- The Human Evolutionary Tree
- The types of Y-DNA test
- Understanding your Y-DNA results
- Your Place on the Tree of Mankind
- Why join a Surname Project
- Anatomy of a Surname Project
- Further study & resources
- Some more basic science
- Applying mtDNA to your genealogy
- What is asDNA?
- The mechanics of atDNA transmission and inheritance
- Recombination (Crossing Over) - shuffling the pack
- Independent Assortment - random sorting of chromosomes
- How much DNA do I share with my relatives?
- Genetic Population Admixture Estimates ("ethnic makeup")
- Secrets of Success
- Analyzing Autosomal DNA Matches
- Step 1 - Where does the common ancestor sit on your tree?
- Step 2 - Is the common ancestor obvious?
- Step 3 - Generating a shortlist of possible candidates
- Step 3.1 - Maternal or Paternal ancestor?
- Step 3.2 - A match on the X?
- Step 3.3 - Eliminating lines of unlikely ethnicity or nationality
- Step 3.4 - Using phasing to eliminate ancestral lines
- Step 3.5 - Other techniques to eliminate non-contenders
- Step 4 - Working with Triangulation
- Triangulation with 23andMe
- Triangulation with FTDNA
- Triangulation with Ancestry
- Triangulation in practice
Using DNA to Help Adoptees
Additional Online Information