They Called Me Doc - Doc Race Recalls his Practice in Orting (Washington State) between 1947 and 1953
They Called Me Doc - Doc Race recalls his practice in Orting (Washington State) between 1947 and 1953; by George A Race, MD; 2005; 6x9; 220 pp; Item #: HQP016.
This is the story of Doc Race, and his years in practice in Orting, Washington. The names of the individual patients (and some others) involved were changed to protect the innocent, and at times, the guilty. If you happen to be an old-timer, you might very well be able to identify the people involved just by their characteristics.
It's a great read. If you have any interest in what was the small town of Orting, Washington (population 1250) mid-20th Century, you'll love this book.
The following is from the Table of Contents:
- To Realize a Dream
- My First House Call
- The Soldier's Home
- The Old and the Young
- Ten-Shut
- Buckley Custodial School
- Men and Women of Letter
- Allergic Reactions
- Versonica
- People Reaching for Dreams
- My Professional Coharts
- Ladies in Waiting
- Guys and Dolls
- The Doctor Wears Different Hats
- Unusual Accidents
- Camp I
- The Great Graham Beef Barbecue
- The Orting Fire Department
- Wheels, Wheel, Wheels
- The Layman's Medical Dictionary
- A Doctor's Day is Unpredictable
- The Doctor Wields a Scalpel
- The Medic Treats 4-Footed Patients Too.
- Strange Characters I Came to Know
- Orting's Teenagers
- The Many Facets of a Country Doctor
- Saved by the Bell
- The Fruit of the Vine
- My Face was Red
- The Bear Hunter
- Time to Leave
- My Introduction to the Clinic
- Psychiatry At the Mayo
- The Miracle
- Westward Ho!