The Provincial Councillors Of Pennsylvania Who Held Office Between 1733 And 1776
The Provincial Councilors of Pennsylvania Who Held Office Between 1733 and 1776; By Charles P. Keith; 628 pp.; Hardcover; Published: 1883; Reprinted: 1997; ISBN: 9780806307251; Item # CF3142.
The Provincial Councillors of Pennsylvania belongs in every American genealogical library because it covers many of the leading families of the mid-Atlantic region and includes the entire progeny of the councillors--including daughters of daughters of daughters, sons of sons of sons, cadet branches who moved west, and English, French, German and other foreign descendants. Treated especially well are the full progenies then known of several royally descended founders of the Province--the Welsh Deputy Governor Thomas and Mary (Jones) Lloyd, plus John Cadwalader, and the Scottish James Logan (plus the mostly Pennsylvania progeny of James Tilghman, son of the immigrant Richard of Maryland). Also covered are all descendants of Edward Shippen (mostly Winthrop descendants via Grosses of Boston), who include the family of traitor Benedict Arnold and the also royally descended Burds of Philadelphia, plus Willings, Binghams, Clymers, Francises, Bayards of Delaware, and Byrds of Virginia. Lloyd descendants include many of the leading Quaker and Episcopal families of Philadelphia--Moores, Whartons, Pembertons, Morrises, plus (under son-in-law Samuel Preston) Carpenters, Ellets, and Wistars. Logan descendants include Fishers, Wisters, Drinkers, and Biddles.
Folowing is a Surname Index of principal subjects (pr) found in the volume who are descendents of Councillors or of whom a biographical sketch is given, and the husbands of the female descendants. Also found in the following Surname Index are the names from the Subject Index of the book (sbj). Finally, the Councillors themselves are listed from the Table of Contents (toc). Abbrev Key: pr=from principle surname index sbj=from subject index toc=Table of Contents- Abbot pr
- Abbott pr
- Acosta pr
- Acton pr
- Adain pr
- Adams pr
- Agnew pr
- Albree pr
- Alison pr
- Allaire pr
- Allen pr
- Alleyne pr
- Allinson pr
- Ambler pr
- Amory pr
- Archer pr
- Armstrong pr
- Arnell pr
- Arnold pr
- Arrach pr
- Ashburton pr
- Assheton toc
- Aubsbury pr
- Auchmuty pr
- Auld pr
- Bache pr
- Bailey pr
- Baird pr
- Baker pr
- Balch pr
- Ball pr
- Barbé-Marbois pr
- Baring pr
- Barker pr
- Barnard pr
- Barnes pr
- Barrett-Leonard pr
- Barrow pr
- Barstow pr
- Barton pr
- Bateman pr
- Bath pr
- Baumgarten pr
- Bayard pr
- Beadel pr
- Beatty pr
- Beaver pr
- Beck pr
- Beckett pr
- Beers pr
- Bell pr
- Benezet pr
- Bennett pr
- Bentley pr
- Berkeley pr
- Berrett pr
- Beste pr
- Bettarina pr
- Betton pr
- Bickley pr
- Biddle pr
- Biddle sbj
- Biles sbj
- Bingham pr
- Binney sbj
- Bisland pr
- Bispham pr
- Bisset pr
- Black pr
- Blackwell, John [Lt Gov] sbj
- Blair pr
- Blaisell pr
- Bloodgood pr
- Bogle pr
- Bois-Guilbert pr
- Bolling pr
- Bond pr
- Bond sbj
- Bonsall pr
- Booth pr
- Borden pr
- Borden sbj
- Börs pr
- Boude pr
- Bowdoin pr
- Bowen pr
- Bowie pr
- Boyd pr
- Bradford pr
- Bradley pr
- Branck pr
- Branson sbj
- Brantingham pr
- Bridgeman-Simpson pr
- Briggs pr
- Brinton pr
- Briscoe pr
- Brock pr
- Brooke pr
- Brooke Rawle pr
- Brower pr
- Brown pr
- Brown sbj
- Browne pr
- Brownell pr
- Brownson pr
- Bruce pr
- Bruen pr
- Brune pr
- Bryan pr
- Buchanan pr
- Buckley pr
- Buckner pr
- Budd sbj
- Bulkwhey pr
- Bunker pr
- Burd pr
- Burge pr
- Burgess pr
- Burleigh pr
- Burnaby pr
- Burroughs pr
- Burton pr
- Burwell pr
- Byrd pr
- Cabell pr
- Cable sbj
- Cade pr
- Cadwalader pr
- Cadwalader sbj
- Cage pr
- Callanan pr
- Callander pr
- Camac pr
- Cameron pr
- Camody pr
- Campbell pr
- Canby pr
- Cargill pr
- Carlesle pr
- Carlile pr
- Carnegie pr
- Carnes pr
- Carpenter pr
- Carpenter sbj
- Carr pr
- Carroll pr
- Carson pr
- Carter pr
- Cathcart pr
- Cavendish-Bentinck pr
- Cecil pr
- Cerkez pr
- Ceronio pr
- Chalmers pr
- Chamberlain pr
- Chambers pr
- Chandlee pr
- Channing pr
- Charter pr
- Chase pr
- Chetwode pr
- Chetwynd-Stapylton pr
- Chevalier pr
- Chew pr
- Childs pr
- Churchman pr
- Clark pr
- Clarke pr
- Clawson pr
- Claxton pr
- Clifton pr
- Clifton-Juckes pr
- Clymer pr
- Coale pr
- Coates sbj
- Cochran pr
- Cockburn pr
- Cocke pr
- Codd sbj
- Coesvelt pr
- Coffin pr
- Coke pr
- Coleman pr
- Coleman sbj
- Coles pr
- Collette pr
- Collins pr
- Compton pr
- Condy pr
- Conelly pr
- Conger pr
- Connell pr
- Conyngham pr
- Cook pr
- Cooke pr
- Cookman pr
- Coolidge pr
- Cooper pr
- Corbitt pr
- Cosgrove pr
- Costin pr
- Courtauld pr
- Cousens pr
- Covington sbj
- Cowperthwaite pr
- Cox pr
- Coxe pr
- Coxe sbj
- Craig pr
- Craighill pr
- Crandell pr
- Crawford pr
- Creveling pr
- Crewe-Read pr
- Crooke pr
- Cullum pr
- Currie pr
- Custis sbj
- Da Costa pr
- Dagworthy pr
- Dale pr
- Dallas pr
- Dankill pr
- Davis pr
- De Chanal pr
- De Lancey pr
- de Polignac pr
- de Trafford pr
- Dean pr
- Deland pr
- Delaval pr
- Delavield pr
- Dell pr
- Denis pr
- Dennis pr
- Denwood sbj
- Devereau pr
- Dewees pr
- Dick pr
- Dickinson pr
- Diehl pr
- Diessbach pr
- Dillwyn pr
- Dixon pr
- Donagan pr
- Doran pr
- Dorsey pr
- Dougherty pr
- Douglas pr
- Doumaux pr
- Doxon pr
- Draper pr
- Drexel pr
- Drinker pr
- Duché pr
- Dugdale pr
- Durkee pr
- Duvall pr
- Earle pr
- Edwards pr
- Eggers pr
- Elder pr
- Eldridge pr
- Elgin pr
- Ellet pr
- Elliot pr
- Ellis pr
- Elzey sbj
- Emlen pr
- Emlen sbj
- Eperménil pr
- Erskine pr
- Evans pr
- Evans sbj
- Evans, John [Lt Gov] sbj
- Ewing pr
- Fallon pr
- Farie pr
- Farnsworth pr
- Farnum pr
- Farr pr
- Fergusson pr
- Fersenheim pr
- Festing pr
- Field pr
- Fielding pr
- Fife pr
- Finley pr
- Finot pr
- Firth pr
- Fishbourne sbj
- Fisher pr
- Flood pr
- Flower pr
- Foggo pr
- Ford pr
- Forey pr
- Forst pr
- Fothringham pr
- Foulke pr
- Fowler pr
- Fox pr
- Foxworthy pr
- Francis pr
- Francis sbj
- Franklin, Benjamin sbj
- Franks sbj
- Frazier pr
- Frohock pr
- Fullerton pr
- Fursdon pr
- Fussell pr
- Gale sbj
- Galloway pr
- Galloway sbj
- Ganay pr
- Gardiner pr
- Gardner pr
- Gates pr
- Gayoso do Lemos pr
- Gibbon pr
- Gibbs pr
- Gibson sbj
- Gill pr
- Gillmore pr
- Gilman pr
- Gilmore pr
- Gilpin pr
- Githens pr
- Givens pr
- Glover pr
- Goldsboroght pr
- Gordon pr
- Gore pr
- Gough pr
- Græme pr
- Græme & medical sbj
- Grafton pr
- Graham pr
- Grant pr
- Grason pr
- Graydon pr
- Green pr
- Greenleaf pr
- Greenough pr
- Grévemberg pr
- Greville pr
- Grieve pr
- Griffitts pr
- Grimeson pr
- Grimley pr
- Griscom pr
- Grove pr
- Growdon pr
- Grubb pr
- Guernsey pr
- Gummere pr
- Guthrie pr
- Guyll pr
- Gwinn pr
- Hacker pr
- Haines pr
- Hale pr
- Hall pr
- Hallady [Hollyday] sbj
- Halsey pr
- Hambleton of MD sbj
- Hamilton pr
- Hamilton of NJ sbj
- Hamilton, & PA lawyers sbj
- Hammersly pr
- Hammond pr
- Hankinson pr
- Harbert pr
- Harbottle pr
- Hare pr
- Harper pr
- Harris pr
- Harrison pr
- Hart pr
- Harvey pr
- Hasbrouck pr
- Hasell pr
- Hastings pr
- Haviland pr
- Hawkins-Whiteshed pr
- Hay pr
- Hemsley pr
- Henderson pr
- Henry pr
- Heriot pr
- Herkerscheimer pr
- Heston pr
- Hickok pr
- Hicks pr
- Hignett pr
- Hill pr
- Hilles pr
- Hines pr
- Hinkle pr
- Hodge pr
- Hodges pr
- Hoffman pr
- Hogg pr
- Holcomb pr
- Hollingsworth pr
- Hollyday pr
- Holmes pr
- Holmes-Stewart pr
- Holstein pr
- Home pr
- Home-Spiers pr
- Hone pr
- Hook pr
- Hooten pr
- Hooven pr
- Hopkins pr
- Hopkinson pr
- Hoppin pr
- Horton pr
- Horwitz pr
- Hoskins pr
- Hotchkiss pr
- Houghton pr
- Houston pr
- How pr
- Howard pr
- Howell pr
- Howland pr
- Huber pr
- Hubley pr
- Hudson pr
- Hughes pr
- Huidekoper pr
- Hulse pr
- Humbert pr
- Humphreys pr
- Hunt pr
- Huntington pr
- Huskisson pr
- Huston pr
- Hutchins pr
- Hutchinson pr
- Hutton pr
- Hyde pr
- Iddings pr
- Ilsley pr
- Ingersoll pr
- Irwin pr
- Jackson pr
- Jackson, Andrew [Pres] sbj
- Jacobs pr
- James pr
- Janvier pr
- Jefferies pr
- Jeffery pr
- Jeffreys pr
- Jekyll pr
- Jennings sbj
- Johns pr
- Johnson pr
- Johnson sbj
- Johnston pr
- Jones pr
- Juvenal pr
- Kane pr
- Kearny sbj
- Keating pr
- Keats pr
- Keith pr
- Keith, George sbj
- Keith, Wm. [Lt Gov Sir] sbj
- Kelly pr
- Kemble pr
- Kemble of NJ sbj
- Kempton pr
- Kendal sbj
- Kendall pr
- Kennon pr
- Kenworthy pr
- Ker pr
- Kimball pr
- Kincardine pr
- King pr
- Kinnaird pr
- Kinnard pr
- Kirk pr
- Kitchin pr
- Klapp pr
- Klingle pr
- Knight pr
- Kreager pr
- Kuhn pr
- Kummer pr
- Ladd sbj
- Lamar pr
- Lambert pr
- Lambert sbj
- Lang pr
- Langdon pr
- Langevelt or Longfield sbj
- Lardner pr
- Lastrapes pr
- Lathrop pr
- Latimer pr
- Latrobe pr
- Lawrance pr
- Lawrence pr
- Lawrence sbj
- Lawrie pr
- Lawson pr
- Lawton pr
- Layton pr
- Lea pr
- Leacock sbj
- Leadbeater pr
- Lebrun pr
- Lee pr
- Leeds pr
- Leeson pr
- Leopold pr
- Lerchenfeld pr
- Letterman pr
- Levan pr
- Levick pr
- Lewis pr
- Lightfoot pr
- Lightner pr
- Lillie pr
- Lillings sbj
- Linn pr
- Lister pr
- Littell pr
- Littleton sbj
- Livingston pr
- Lloyd pr
- Lloyd of MD sbj
- Lloyd, David sbj
- Lockwood pr
- Logan pr
- Longaker pr
- Lord pr
- Lowery pr
- Lowndes pr
- Lowry pr
- Loyd pr
- Ludlum pr
- Lukens pr
- Lummis pr
- Luquer pr
- Lürman pr
- Lyle pr
- Lynch pr
- Lynn pr
- Maccubbin pr
- Macfarlane pr
- Mackay pr
- MacNeill pr
- Macpherson=Wiltbank pr
- Madeira pr
- Magoon pr
- Mahan pr
- Maitland pr
- Makemie, Francis [Rev] sbj
- Makgill pr
- Malsan pr
- Manifold pr
- Marache pr
- Marker pr
- Markham pr
- Markoe pr
- Marquez pr
- Marshall pr
- Marstellei pr
- Marston pr
- Martin pr
- Mason pr
- Masters pr
- Masters sbj
- Matthews pr
- Maule pr
- Maund pr
- Maury pr
- Maxcy pr
- Maxwell pr
- Maycock pr
- McAdam pr
- McAllister pr
- McCall pr
- McCall sbj
- McCandlish pr
- McCann pr
- McClenachan pr
- McClenachan sbj
- McCluney pr
- McCoull pr
- McCoullough pr
- McCune pr
- McElwee pr
- McGeachy pr
- McGuire pr
- McHenry pr
- McIlvaine pr
- McKinney pr
- McMurtrie pr
- McQuay pr
- McWhorter pr
- Medhurst pr
- Meigs pr
- Mercur pr
- Meredith pr
- Merriwether pr
- Metford pr
- Michie pr
- Mifflin pr
- Milday pr
- Miller pr
- Milligan pr
- Milnor pr
- Mines pr
- Mitchell pr
- Moland pr
- Monat pr
- Montgomery pr
- Moore pr
- Moore sbj
- Morgan pr
- Morgan sbj
- Morrell pr
- Morris pr
- Morton pr
- Mountain pr
- Mullin pr
- Mumford pr
- Murray pr
- Naile pr
- Neale pr
- Neill pr
- Neilson pr
- Nelson pr
- Nepean pr
- Nesbit pr
- Nesbitt pr
- Nevile pr
- Newbold pr
- Newell pr
- Newhall pr
- Newlin pr
- Nickleson pr
- Nicklin pr
- Nicoll pr
- Nixon sbj
- Noble pr
- Noble sbj
- Norris pr
- Notinghan pr
- O'Beirne pr
- O'Connor pr
- O'Donnell pr
- Oellers pr
- Ogilvie pr
- Olivier pr
- Orde-Powlett pr
- Orr pr
- Oswald sbj
- Overton pr
- Owen pr
- Page pr
- Pain pr
- Paine pr
- Palairet pr
- Palmer pr
- Pannill pr
- Parke pr
- Parker pr
- Parrott pr
- Parry pr
- Parsons pr
- Pascault pr
- Pastorius, Francis Daniel sbj
- Patterson pr
- Paxson pr
- Paynter pr
- Peale pr
- Peel pr
- Peirce pr
- Pell pr
- Pellet pr
- Pemberton pr
- Pemberton Jr, Israel sbj
- Penington pr
- Penn pr
- Penn, Wm. & financal diff sbj
- Penn, Wm. & Indians sbj
- Penrose pr
- Pepper pr
- Percy pr
- Perkins pr
- Perrine pr
- Peters pr
- Petrie pr
- Pfenninger pr
- Philips pr
- Phillips pr
- Phipps pr
- Physick pr
- Pickens pr
- Pickett pr
- Pierce pr
- Piersol pr
- Pinckard pr
- Place pr
- Plaisance pr
- Pleasants pr
- Plumsted pr
- Porter pr
- Portland pr
- Posey pr
- Post pr
- Potts pr
- Powel pr
- Powell pr
- Pratt pr
- Preeson sbj
- Prescott pr
- Preston pr
- Price pr
- Pride pr
- Prime pr
- Prince pr
- Pringle pr
- Pritch pr
- Proud pr
- Proudfit pr
- Putnam pr
- Quick pr
- Quimby pr
- Ralston pr
- Rambo pr
- Randall pr
- Randolph pr
- Rawle pr
- Read pr
- Reading pr
- Reakirt pr
- Redman sbj
- Reed pr
- Reed, Joseph sbj
- Reeve pr
- Renshaw pr
- Retzer pr
- Reynolds pr
- Rhoads pr
- Rhoder pr
- Rich pr
- Richardson pr
- Richardson sbj
- Richter pr
- Ricketts pr
- Ridge pr
- Ridgely pr
- Ridgway pr
- Riley pr
- Ringgold pr
- Rivinus pr
- Robbins pr
- Roberdeau pr
- Roberts pr
- Robins pr
- Robinson pr
- Rock pr
- Rockhill pr
- Rodgers pr
- Rodman sbj
- Rogers pr
- Romananges pr
- Romans pr
- Romilly pr
- Roosevelt pr
- Rorison pr
- Ross pr
- Rowland pr
- Rowley pr
- Rush pr
- Russell pr
- Saunders pr
- Scarborough sbj
- Schaffer pr
- Schall pr
- Scheetz pr
- Schermerhorn pr
- Schlater pr
- Schley pr
- Schrack pr
- Schrew pr
- Scobell pr
- Scott pr
- Scovell pr
- Scull pr
- Senior pr
- Sergeant pr
- Servel pr
- Sharpe pr
- Shaw pr
- Shawe pr
- Shearer pr
- Shearman pr
- Shee pr
- Sheets pr
- Sheppard pr
- Shinn pr
- Shippen pr
- Shoemaker pr
- Shreve pr
- Sigourney pr
- Simmons pr
- Sims sbj
- Sipes pr
- Sleek pr
- Sloan pr
- Smart pr
- Smith pr
- Smith of NJ sbj
- Smock pr
- Smyth pr
- Southesk pr
- Sparks pr
- Spence pr
- Spencer pr
- Spotswood pr
- Spring pr
- Springer pr
- Springman pr
- Spruance pr
- St. Clair pr
- St. John pr
- Stamm pr
- Staples pr
- Stapleton pr
- Starr pr
- Stedman pr
- Stelle pr
- Stephenson pr
- Sterrett pr
- Stevens pr
- Stewardsn pr
- Stewart pr
- Stirling pr
- Storie pr
- Story pr
- Stout pr
- Stran pr
- Strawbridge pr
- Strettell pr
- Strouse pr
- Sumner pr
- Supton pr
- Suydam pr
- Swan pr
- Swann pr
- Swasey pr
- Sweeny pr
- Swentzell pr
- Swift pr
- Symington pr
- Taliaferro pr
- Tallman pr
- Tally pr
- Tanner pr
- Tautphœus = Baumgarten pr
- Taylor pr
- Teagle sbj
- Teghtmeyer pr
- Tell toc
- Templer pr
- Tennent pr
- Terry pr
- Thayer pr
- Thomas pr
- Thompson pr
- Thomson pr
- Thorndike pr
- Thurber pr
- Thynne = Bath pr
- Ticknor pr
- Tilghman pr
- Till pr
- Tilly pr
- Timpson pr
- Toerring pr
- Toland pr
- Tonkins pr
- Tracy pr
- Travilla pr
- Trent sbj
- Troth pr
- Trump sbj
- Tucker pr
- Turnbull pr
- Turner pr
- Tyson pr
- Upshur sbj
- Van Bergen pr
- Van Buren pr
- Vance pr
- Vanderheyden sbj
- Vanderkemp pr
- Vanfossen pr
- Vanzandt pr
- Vaudrey pr
- Vaux pr
- Versturme pr
- Von Bonnhorst pr
- Von Büch pr
- Von Zschuschen pr
- Vosburgh pr
- Vroom pr
- Waddingham pr
- Wadleigh pr
- Wadsworth pr
- Wainwright pr
- Walker pr
- Wallace pr
- Wallin pr
- Waln pr
- Walrond pr
- Walsby pr
- Walter pr
- Waples pr
- Ward pr
- Ward of MD sbj
- Warmer pr
- Warner sbj
- Washburne pr
- Waters pr
- Waters sbj
- Watmough pr
- Watson pr
- Watts pr
- Wattson sbj
- Wauchope pr
- Weeks pr
- Weld pr
- Wells pr
- Welsh pr
- West pr
- West sbj
- Westbrook pr
- Westmore pr
- Wharton pr
- Wheatley pr
- Wheeler pr
- Whelen pr
- Whichcote pr
- White pr
- Whitefield, George [Rev] sbj
- Whitely pr
- Whiting pr
- Whitney pr
- Wikoff pr
- Wilcocks pr
- Wilcox sbj
- Wilkins pr
- Wilkins sbj
- Williams pr
- Willians-Bulkeley pr
- Willing pr
- Willson pr
- Willson sbj
- Wilson pr
- Wiltbank pr
- Winchester pr
- Winegardner pr
- Wingard pr
- Wise pr
- Wistar pr
- Wister pr
- Wolfork pr
- Wood pr
- Woodmass pr
- Woodnutt pr
- Woods pr
- Woodson pr
- Woodville pr
- Worrall pr
- Wragg pr
- Wright pr
- Wurts pr
- Yarnell pr
- Yeates pr
- Yeiser pr
- Yocum pr
- Young pr
- Zachary pr
- Zeigler pr
- Zenger [trial of] sbj
- Zulich pr