The Original Lists of Persons of Quality
The Original Lists of Persons of Quality, Who Went from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600-1700. Localities Where They Formerly Lived in the Mother Country, the Names of the Ships in Which They Embarked and Other Interesting Particulars; By John Camden Hotten; Paperback; Published: 1874; Reprinted: 2012; Item # NE45
This is the most famous of all ships' passenger lists and historically the most important single-volume list of English-speaking immigrants of the colonial period ever published. Transcribed from the records of the British State Paper Office, it contains the names of over 11,000 immigrants with their ages, former places of residence, and the names of ships in which they embarked.
Published more than 125 years ago, this important resource compiles documents listing seventeenth-century English immigrants to New England, the Chesapeake, and the Caribbean. It remains an invaluable resource for anyone with such ancestry. Includes a comprehensive index.
Compiled documents include:
- Surviving records from the London Port Books
- Lists from some of the English outports
- Muster rolls from Virginia
- Other items listing early settlers
"Despite the passage of more than a century, and despite the publication of several more versions of some of these records in the intervening years, this volume by Hotten remains the best source for seventeenth-century passenger records, and should be preferred to all others."
—foreword by Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Study Project
By John Camden Hotten
Foreword by Robert Charles Anderson
"It has never been superseded and remains the most outstanding of its kind in genealogical reference." - Library Journal, Oct. 15, 1962
"Such a wide variety of material is included that pages would be needed even to list it all." - DAR Magazine, Jan. 1963