The History Of The Indian Wars In New England

The History Of The Indian Wars In New England

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The History of the Indian Wars in New England from the First Settlement to the Termination of the War with King Philip, in 1677; by Reverend William Hubbard & Samuel G. Drake; 626 pp; paper; 2 Volumes in 1; 5.5x8.5; index; Published: 1677, 1864, 1990; Reprinted: 2010; ISBN: 0788418459; Item # HBH3291D.

The History of the Indian Wars in New England by Reverend William Hubbard & Samuel G. Drake. This set of two volumes is a classic of New England history, and was first published in 1677. The 1864 edition reprinted here has a new historical preface, a biography and genealogical chart on Hubbard, and very extensive notes by Drake which identify people and places, and otherwise greatly expand on the original text. Rev. Hubbard was a Congregational minister and historian who was an early immigrant to New England; he died in 1704. He is well known for this work and his A General History of New England…. Samuel G. Drake was a prominent bookseller, antiquarian, and historian who wrote extensively on the Indians of New England. He was a founder of the New England Historic Society, and edited the first fifteen volumes of the Register.