The German Minority Census of 1939: An Introduction and Register
The German Minority Census of 1939: An Introduction and Register ; By Thomas Kent Edlund; 1996; Softcover; 64 pp; 7x10; ISBN 9781886223004; Item AV004
A valuable finding aid for persons who want to use the LDS (Mormon) Family History Library microfilm collection of this important Holocaust-era census. It identifies the microfilm numbers for each of the German towns in the collection. Organized by census district, the book includes an index of town names. Information in the actual census records includes name, birth date, place of birth, which of the person's four grandparents were Jewish, as well as whether the person completed higher education.
Table of Contents
Census Districts
- Anhalt Land
- Aschersleben
- Baden
- Bautzen, Plauen, Zwichau
- Berlin
- Beuthen
- Bochum
- Brauschweig
- Bremen
- Breslau
- Chemnitz
- Darmstadt und Offenbach
- Dortmund
- Dresden
- Frankfurt (Main)
- Hamburg
- Hannover
- Hessen
- Hildesheim
- Hindenberg (Zabrze) und Gleiwitz
- Karlsruhe
- Kassel (Land)
- Kassel (Stadt)
- Koenigsberg
- Leipzig
- Liegnitz
- Lippe und Schaumburg-Lippe
- Magdeburg
- Mainz und Worms
- Mannheim
- Mecklenburg Land
- Merseburg
- Muenchen
- Muenster
- Niederbayern; Oberpfalz
- Nuernberg
- Oberbayern
- Ober- und Mittelfranken
- Oldenburg Land
- Oppeln
- Osnabrueck
- Ostpreuáen
- Pfalz
- Pommern
- Pommern Land
- Potsdam
- Saarland
- Schlesien
- Schleswig-Holstein u. Luebeck
- Schwaben
- Stettin
- Stuttgart
- Sudetenland
- Unterfranken (Bayern)
- Westfalen
- Wiesbaden
- Wuerttemberg
- Wuerzburg
Locality Index