The Georgia Black Book Vol 1: Morbid, Macabre, and Disgusting Records of Genealogical Value
The Georgia Black Book Vol 1: Morbid, Macabre, and Disgusting Records of Genealogical Value; by Robert S. Davis, Jr., Pub. 1982, reprinted 2006, 452 pages, Hard Cover, Index, ISBN #0-89308-291-0; Item #: SHGA03.
The contents of this book include chapters on "Horse Thieves and Other Charming People, 1754-1823"; "Liars, 1810-1938" - the Georgia Land Lottery Fraud Papers; "Convicts, 1817-1850" - Convict Records; "Murders, Murderers and Murder Victims, 1823-1969" - from Governor’s Proclamations (issued for offering rewards for killers who had fled justice), 1823-1900; "Convicts, 1851-1871" - which includes prison, number or name and aliases, date entered prison and county in which convicted; "Insane Asylum Inmates, 1853-1870" - which includes the person’s number, name and county of residence and when admitted; "Principal Keeper’s Reports, 1866-1873, Lists of Convicts to Fill Gaps in (the chapter on Convicts, 1851-1871)"; "Racial Incidents, 1865-1868" - reports of racial violence against blacks in Reconstruction Georgia; "Central register of Convicts, 1867-1879" - this continues the earlier chapters on Murders, Murderers, and Murder Victims; "More Murders, Murderers, and Murder Victims, 1869-1900" - a continuation of the earlier chapter on this subject; "Central register of Convicts, 1872-1897" - a continuation of a listing of convicts... and "Other Sources Equally Disgusting". This volume contains the names of over 13,500 persons.
The contents of this book include chapters on "Horse Thieves and Other Charming People, 1754-1823"; "Liars, 1810-1938" - the Georgia Land Lottery Fraud Papers; "Convicts, 1817-1850" - Convict Records; "Murders, Murderers and Murder Victims, 1823-1969" - from Governor’s Proclamations (issued for offering rewards for killers who had fled justice), 1823-1900; "Convicts, 1851-1871" - which includes prison, number or name and aliases, date entered prison and county in which convicted; "Insane Asylum Inmates, 1853-1870" - which includes the person’s number, name and county of residence and when admitted; "Principal Keeper’s Reports, 1866-1873, Lists of Convicts to Fill Gaps in (the chapter on Convicts, 1851-1871)"; "Racial Incidents, 1865-1868" - reports of racial violence against blacks in Reconstruction Georgia; "Central register of Convicts, 1867-1879" - this continues the earlier chapters on Murders, Murderers, and Murder Victims; "More Murders, Murderers, and Murder Victims, 1869-1900" - a continuation of the earlier chapter on this subject; "Central register of Convicts, 1872-1897" - a continuation of a listing of convicts... and "Other Sources Equally Disgusting". This volume contains the names of over 13,500 persons.