The Census Book: Facts, Schedules & Worksheets For The U.S. Federal Censuses - HARDBOUND
Hard-bound Edition: The Census Book: Facts, Schedules & Worksheets for the U.S. Federal Censuses; William Dollarhide, 2019, 245 pages; Color printing throughout; Tables; Website links; ISBN: 978-1-62859-266-5. Hardbound; Item # FR0478HARD.
Following a 20-year hiatus, Bill Dollarhide has again written the definitive guide to the United States Census. Written specifically for genealogists and family historians, this book details all the census schedules for 1790 through 1950. The first and highly acclaimed Census Book was written in 1999. This all-new volume covers a lot of new ground that the earlier volume could not do.
Section 1 – Census Facts, Historical U.S. Censuses. This section includes many historical facts dealing with the United States Census. See the Table of Contents (below) to get a full overview of the section.
Section 2 – Population Schedules. Includes links to 630 websites, providing instant access to over six hundred million indexed census records/names online. A table for each census year includes the starting FHL film roll number for each state’s population schedules, providing links to 580 FHL catalog webpages. It is the searchable roll number that gives a researcher quick access to the digital images of any census year, state, county, or town. Census substitutes have been added where available; U.S. maps of each census year are included; 1885; 1940 and 1950 census chapters are included in this edition.
Section 3 – Non-Population Schedules. This section identifies all non-population categories, with all-new statewide tables, Alabama to Wyoming, to 1935. URL links to 560 online databases. The location of the original Non-Population schedules is given, and the locations of microfilm copies feature many direct links to a Family History Library online catalog webpage, particularly those with digital images available.
Section 4 – Census Samples & Worksheets. The Census Book has 57 Samples and 42 Worksheets, including an 1890 Short Form; the 1940 Census; and 1820, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, and 1885 Manufactures Schedules.
- Growth of the U.S. Federal Census
Section 1 – Census Facts
- Historical U.S. Censuses
- Early Census Takers
- Censuses in U.S. Territories
- Compensation to the Census Takers
- The Census Day
- Table 1: Census Year/Day/Time Allowed
- Census Counting Machine
- Early Census Losses
- Table 2 – Statewide Census Losses
- Census Copies, 1790-1820
- Census Copies, 1830-1840
- Census Copies, 1850-1870
- Census Copies, 1880
- 1880 Short Form
- Census Copies, 1890
- 1890 Short Form
- 1890 Veterans Schedule
- Copies/Microfilm/Digitizing, 1900-1940
- Soundex Indexes, 1880-1930
- Soundex Code
- Personal Census Search
- County Boundary Changes
- Table 3: Statistics, 1790-1940 Censuses
- References
Section 2 – Population Schedules
- Contents – Section 2
- Table 4: Availability of U.S. Federal Censuses, 1790-1950
- First Census of the U.S. – 1790
- Second Census of the U.S. – 1800
- Third Census of the U.S. – 1810
- Fourth Census of the U.S. – 1820
- Fifth Census of the U.S. – 1830
- Sixth Census of the U.S. – 1840
- Seventh Census of the U.S. – 1850
- Eighth Census of the U.S. – 1860
- Ninth Census of the U.S. – 1870
- Tenth Census of the U.S. – 1880
- State Censuses Taken in 1885
- Eleventh Census of the U.S. – 1890
- Table 5 – 1884-1896 State Censuses
- Twelfth Census of the U.S. – 1900
- Thirteenth Census of the U.S. – 1910
- Fourteenth Census of the U.S. – 1920
- Fifteenth Census of the U.S. – 1930
- Sixteenth Census of the U.S. – 1940
- Seventeenth Census of the U.S. – 1950
Section 3 – Non-Population Schedules
- Table 6: Availability of Non-Population Schedules
- Descriptions of the Non-Population Schedules, 1820-1935
- State Availability Tables:
Alabama, Alaska, American Samoa, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado,
Connecticut, Dakota Territory (1861-1889), Delaware, District of Columbia,
Florida, Georgia, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,
Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota,
Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire,
New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota (1889- 1935), Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island,
South Carolina, South Dakota (1889-1935), Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont,
Virgin Islands of the U.S., Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and
Section 4 – Census Samples & Worksheets
Population Schedules
- 1790 Federal Census
- 1800 Federal Census
- 1810 Federal Census
- 1820 Federal Census
- 1830 Federal Census
- 1840 Federal Census
- 1850 Federal Census
- 1860 Federal Census
- 1870 Federal Census
- 1880 Federal Census
- 1880 Short Form
- 1885 State Census – 5 states
- 1890 Short Form
- 1890 Veterans Schedule
- 1900 Federal Census
- 1910 Federal Census
- 1920 Federal Census
- 1930 Federal Census
- 1940 Federal Census
- 1950 Federal Census
Industry/Manufactures Schedules
- 1820 Manufactures
- 1850 Products of Industry
- 1860 Products of Industry
- 1870 Products of Industry
- 1880 Manufactures-Products of Industry
- 1880 Manufactures-Boots, Shoes
- 1880 Manufactures-Flour & Grist Mills
- 1880 Manufactures-Lumber Mills
- 1880 Manufactures-Agri. Implements
- 1885 Manufactures Schedule
Agriculture Schedules
- 1850 Agriculture
- 1860 Agriculture
- 1870 Agriculture
- 1880 Agriculture
- 1885 Agriculture
Mortality Schedules
- 1850 Mortality Schedule
- 1860 Mortality Schedule
- 1870 Mortality Schedule
- 1880 Mortality Schedule
- 1885 Mortality Schedule
Slave Schedules
- 1850 Slave Schedule
- 1860 Slave Schedule
Social Statistics Schedules
- 1850, 1860, 1870 Social Statistics
- 1880 Defective, Dependent & Delinquent Classes:
- 1880 Insane Inhabitants & Idiots
- 1880 Deaf-Mutes & Blind Inhabitants
- 1880 Homeless Children & Prisoners
- 1880 Pauper & Indigent Inhabitants
Soundex Extraction Forms
- Soundex Indexes Description & Contents
- 1880 Soundex
- 1900 Soundex
- 1910 Soundex/Miracode
- 1920 Soundex
- 1930 Soundex
Census Comparison Sheets
- 1790-1840 Census Worksheet
- Census Comparisons Sheet
In 1999, the first Census Book was published. The full title was The Census Book: A Genealogist’s Guide to Federal Census Facts, Schedules, and Indexes, by William Dollarhide (Publ. Heritage Quest, Bountiful, Utah, 182 pages). The original Census Book has been out of print for several years but is still cited frequently on many genealogical websites.
In 2019, an all-new Census Book was published. The full title: The Census Book: Facts, Schedules & Worksheets for the U.S. Federal Censuses, by William Dollarhide (Publ. Family Roots Publishing Co., LLC, Orting, WA, 245 pages). The many references to CD-ROM publications were replaced with many more direct links to Internet databases. There are a total of 1,770 links to Internet websites, giving access to over one billion census records/names. The references to printed countywide census indexes were removed and replaced by links to census databases and substitute publications. Specific changes in each Section were as follows:
Section 1 – Census Facts, Historical U.S. Censuses. The original concept and layout were enhanced with extensive editing and added features.
Section 2 – Population Schedules. The 1999 edition had no references to the Internet for census population schedules – the 2019 edition has links to 630 websites, providing instant access to over six hundred million indexed census records/names online. In the first Census Book, each census year had a table showing CD-ROM indexes and any printed book indexes available. In the new Census Book, a table for each census year now includes the starting FHL film roll number for each state’s population schedules, providing links to 580 FHL catalog webpages. It is the searchable roll number that gives a researcher quick access to the digital images of any census year, state, county, or town. Census substitutes were added where available; better U.S. maps of each census year were included, and 1940 and 1950 census chapters were added. Also, a new census chapter was inserted for 1885, when 14 states took state censuses – they are good substitutes for the lost 1890 census.
Section 3 – Non-Population Schedules. This section identifies all non-population categories, adding those after 1900. All new statewide tables, Alabama to Wyoming, were expanded to 1935, and reorganized for appearance and adding URL links to 560 more online databases. The location of the original Non-Population schedules is given, and the locations of microfilm copies now feature many direct links to a Family History Library online catalog webpage, particularly those with digital images available.
Section 4 – Census Samples & Worksheets. The 1999 Census Book had no Samples and 34 Census Worksheets; the new 2019 Census Book has 57 Samples and 42 Worksheets. New worksheets were added for the 1890 Short Form; the 1940 Census; and 1820, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, and 1885 Manufactures Schedules.
William Dollarhide is best known as the co-author and cartographer of the classic Map Guide to the U.S. Federal Censuses, 1790-1920, a book of 393 census-year maps, and one of the best-selling books ever published in the field of genealogy. He released the first edition of The Census Book in 1999, a book that is still cited frequently on many genealogical websites. He has also written numerous Censuses & Substitutes guidebooks for genealogical research, e.g., a 5-volume regional set; and a 52-volume set (for each U.S. state, DC, and U.S. Territories). His other works include American Migration Routes: Part I - Indian Paths, Post Roads & Wagon Roads; American Migration Routes: Part II - Stagecoach, Steamboat, Canal & Early Railroad Routes; and Genealogical Resources of the Civil War Era, as well as dozens of other titles related to genealogical research. William Dollarhide was born and raised in Seattle, lived near Salt Lake City for two decades, and now lives in Mount Vernon, Washington.
“Bill Dollarhide is the authority on U.S. federal censuses. The first edition of The Census Book was the bellwether for census research and has remained the go-to reference. The new edition is updated to include Internet resources and contains a wealth of insightful information, graphics of the schedules, and essential worksheets to help your federal census analyses. This book should be on every genealogist’s bookshelf and in every genealogical library collection. Bravo!” - George C. Morgan, co-host of The Genealogy Guys Podcast, lecturer, and genealogy writer.