The Best from American Canals, Vol. VI (1991-93)
The Best from American Canals, Vol. VI, Published by the American Canal and Transportation Society, with the articles written by its members; 1993; paperback; 88 pp; ISBN: 0-933788-85-1; 8.5x11; Item #: ACT11
This volume is made up articles originally published in the quarterly periodical, American Canals . The book is also loaded with historic photos and maps.
The following is from the Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Table of Contents
- A Visit to Lowell (Shank)
- Lowell Mass: Restoring a City of Canals (Russell)
- New Canal Boat Construction Index)
- Gennessee Valley Canal Chronology (Kipp)
- 1792 Batteau Recreated
- Adirondack Water: Lifeblood of Canals (Kipp)
- National Recreational Trails Fund (Trout)
- Encountering the Champlain (Cassai)
- Pennsylvania Canal Society Tours Paw-Paw Tunnel (Shank)
- Cruising the Waterways by Canoe (Shank)
- Protecting the D&R Canal Park (Amon)
- Joint New York and Penna. Canal Societies Field Trip (Russell)
- Floating Elevator Transfers Grain to Steamer (Trout)
- Trans-Jersey Ship Canal, A Dream Unfulfilled (Russell)
- “Photos From Collection” Book Review (Frankel)
- Mule-Power Force Analysis (Dzombak)
- “Canals of New York State” Book Review (Frankel)
- The Conewago Canal (Thomas)
- Erie Canal Board Game (Dzombak)
- “Story of American Canals” Book Review (Walton)
- Touring the Union and Schuylkill Waterways (Shank)
- British I.W.A. Visits the USA (Squires)
- Glossary of Canal Terms (Droege)
- A Long Stretch of Peace and Quiet (Johnson)
- “Here and Now – Ohio’s Canals” Book Review (Mueller)
- International Canal Conference, Harpers Ferry (Shank)
- “Twenty-Five Mile to Nowhere” Book Review (Porter)
- Reopening of Canal Hinges on Floodwall Gate
- Erie Canal Improvement Board
- The Zoar Feeder and Sidecut (Woods)
- New Book on Alexandria Canal (Trout)
- Defiance: Focal Point of Ohio History (Loomis)
- Muskingum River Navigation Sesquicentennial (Ross)
- Rehabilitation of the Schuylkill (Pa. Canal Society)
- The Keweenaw Waterway, Then and Now (Ross)
- “Marguerite II Work Underway” (CSO Newsletter)
- American Petroleum Industry Born in Pa. Canal (Dzombak)
- Canal Ghosts on the Ohio and Erie (Woods)
- Ohio & Erie Canal Corridor Coalition (Turner)
- The Arkansas Traveler Afloat (Ross)
- “Floating West” Book Review (Walton)
- Upper Fox River and Portage Historic Survey (Kleist)
- Cuyahoga Recreation Area (Turner)
- Wabash & Erie Yields Wooden Treasure (Schmidt)
- A Cruise Across Michigan (Ross)
- On the Richelieu & Chambly Canals (Meseck)
- Mississippi River Museum Threatened (Spense)
- Erie Canal guide Published (Kranz)
- Gronauer Lock Update
- Memphis to New Orleans on the Mississippi Queen (Shank)
- C&O Canal Boat Trips (C&O Canal Assn.
- “Spruce Goose Travels Thru’ Willamette Falls Locks (C.E.)
- Illinois & Michigan Canl Book Review
- Louisiana’s B and L Canal (Dzombak)
- Cruising the Canadian Canals (Akers)
- Ottawa Locks of Rideau Canal Refurbished (Russell)
- “Retain, Record, Recover, Restore, Recreate” (Saunders)
- “Across the Sahara by Steamer” (Trbovish)
- New Jerseyans Tour Irish Canals (McKelvey)
- Schuylkill Navigation Book Review (Zimmerman)
- Main-Danube Canal Opens (Shank)
- The Remarkable Corinth Canal (Russell)
- Canadian Happenings (Phair)
- Japan’s Biwa Canal – All Purpose Utilization (Thompson)
- Journey on the Douro River in Portugal (Squires)
- Romance on an English Cut (Saunders)
- Montech Water Slope Revisited (Squires)
- Index.