QuickSheet: The Historical Biographer’s Guide to Individual Problem Analysis
QuickSheet: The Historical Biographer’s Guide to Individual Problem Analysis; by Elizabeth Shown Mills; Published: 2012; ; 2 pp, 8.5x11; laminated; ISBN: 9780806318950; Item #: GPC3870.
In her book Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace, Elizabeth Shown Mills discusses successful research through a series of models. These models are outlined in Quicksheet: The Historical Biographer’s Guide to the Research Process. According to Mills, “reliable research is not achieved by
- Trolling the Internet for a name;
- Using indexes and databases as though they were actual records; or
- Accepting uncritically whatever conclusions others tout
- The Research Process Model
- The Research Analysis Model
- The Identity Triangulation Model
- The Reliability Model
Basic Principles Your Research Report- Starting Point Data (corresponds to Stage 1)
- Research Findings (corresponds to Stage 2)
- Evaluation (corresponds to Stage 3)
- Attachment
- Stage 1: Preparation
- Stage 2: Performance
- Stage 3: Evaluation
- Stage 4: Reporting
- The Principle
- Sources
- Information
- Evidence
- The Principle
- Persona
- Relationships
- Origin
- Triangulation
- The Principle
- Criteria and the Qualities That Should Be Met (table)
Offering a 10-step solution to genealogical problems, this QuickSheet will help you leap the proverbial brick wall and save you hours of frustration. The outgrowth of a lifetime of professional experience, the 10 steps provide a systematic basis for problem solving unique to genealogy. When faced with an elusive person or missing or contradictory information, these steps will be your lifeline, helping you to resolve tricky problems related to sources, evidence, and proof.
In addition to the 10 steps, this QuickSheet contains a "Life Stages Worksheet"--a form to be filled in covering most life events from birth to death through six specific stages of life. This single-page form allows for a systematic listing of records which you can review at a glance.
QuickSheet: The Historical Biographer’s Guide to Individual Problem Analysis - A Strategic Plan is a laminated two-sided sheet designed, like its companions, for heavy use.