New York State Censuses & Substitutes
New York State Censuses & Substitutes; by William Dollarhide; ISBN 0806317663; Soft Cover; 249 pp; Genealogical Publishing Co.; 2005; reprinted 2007; Item #GPC1494.
- This terrific book identifies 448 state census originals for New York's 62 counties, located at 68 different New York repositories, plus transcripts/extracts, abstracts, or indexes in print, all with library call numbers and FHL film numbers.
- Identifies 120 statewide and regional name lists for New York, including tax lists, land records, military lists, newspaper indexes, CD-ROM publications, and online resources.
- Identifies 105 original 1850-1880 federal censuses held by 30 New York counties. (County duplicate originals on microfilm that can be compared with the microfilmed federal copies).
- Identifies over 1,200 census substitutes and selected name lists. Substitutes include tax lists, voter registrations, military lists, and deed indexes. Selected lists include county histories, city directories, naturalization indexes, vital records indexes, or other unique name lists for a particular county.
- Identifies over 1,500 online town references to find direct links to census extracts, indexes, or other name lists online.
- Identifies over 3,700 bibliographic citations in total, each with detailed descriptions and notes, library call numbers, and FHL film numbers.
- Includes 19 county boundary maps for the period 1683-1915, showing the evolution of all New York counties and adjoining jurisdictions in bordering states and Canada.
- Includes 26 NY State Census Extraction Forms, 1825-1925, with all NY population, military, agriculture, industry, births, deaths, and marriage schedules; plus the 1890 NY Police Census, and the 1880 Short Form; and includes 26 New York State Census Facsimiles, showing the actual state census schedules, tables, pages, and columns.
The following is listing of Statewide Resources found detailed on pages one to fifteen, followed by an alphabetical county by county listing of resources for the five counties of Albany, Alleghany, Bronx, Broome, and Cattaraugus found detailed on pages 16 through 27 of this landmark book. This list is made in order to give you an idea of what kind of data is found in the volume for ALL New York counties.
- Guides to New York Colonial & State Censuses and Name Lists
- Pre-1750 New York Lists, by Henry B. Hoff
- New York State Censuses and Tax Lists, by Roger D. Joslyn
- Finding Aids at the NYG&B Library for New York State Censuses, by Laura LeBarron
- Guidebooks & Publications With Miscellaneous Name Lists
- The Documentary History of the State of New York, arranged under direction of the Christopher Morgan, Secretary of State, by E. B. O'Callaghan
- Early New York State Census Records, 1663-1772, published by RAM publishers
- Lists of Inhabitants of Colonial New York: Excerpted From The Documentary History of the State of New York by Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan
- Genealogical and Biographical Directory to Persons in New Netherland: From 1613 to 1674, prepared by David M. Riker
- Supplement to the 1999 Directory to Persons in New Netherland from 1613 to 1674, by David M. Riker
- The Register of New Netherland: 1626-1674, by Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan
- Settlers From the Netherlands in America Before 1700: A Compendium of Genealogical Information, compiled by William J. Hoffman
- Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York: Procured in Holland, England, and France, by John Romeyn Brodhead
- Denizations, Naturalizations, and Oaths of Allegiance in Colonial New York, by Kenneth Scott and Kenn Stryker-Rodda
- Calendar of Wills on File and Recorded in the Offices of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals, of the County Clerk at Albany and of the Secretary of State, 1626-1836, compiled and edited by Berthold Fernow
- Complete Index to Colonial Laws and Ordinances of New Netherlands and New York, 1638-1775, published by Bookmark
- Calendar of Council Minutes, 1668-1783, by Berthold Fernow
- Directory to Collections of New York Vital Records, 1726-1989, With Rare Gazetteer, by Fred Q. Bowman and Thomas J. Lynch
- Inhabitants of New York, 1774-1776, by Thomas B. Wilson
- Tax Assessment Lists Under Laws of 1779, 1780, 1786, 1788
- New York Treasurer “Assessment Rolls,” laws of 1779, 1786, 1787, 1788
- 1799-1802 Tax Lists. See Gerrit V. Lansing Papers Tax Lists and Assessment Rolls
- New York Marriages Previous to 1784: A Reprint of the Original Edition of 1860 with Additions and Corrections
- Ship Passenger lists, New York and New Jersey, 1600-1825, edited and indexed by Carl Boyer, III
- 1792-1906 Index (Soundex) to New York Naturalization Records
- 1798 Federal Direct Tax, New York Locations
- New York Alien Residents, 1825-1848
- Revised Master Index to the New York State Daughters of the American Revolution Genealogical Records Volumes
- Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, by William Wade Hinshaw
- Quaker Census of 1828: Members of the New York Yearly Meeting, the Religious Society of Friends (in New York, Ontario, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Quebec) at the Time of the Separation of 1828, compiled by Loren Fay
- 1842-1859 New York (State) Directories
- 1845 New York State Census, Population Census of Indian Reservations
- 1862-1866 Assessment Lists of the Federal Bureau of Internal Revenue
- The New York State Biographical, Genealogical, and Portrait Index, a card index to over 750,000 names from more than 6,000 histories
- Special Schedules from 1850, 1860, 1870, and 1880 Federal Censuses
- Land Records
- Patents of the State of New York, 1649-1912
- 1659-1846 Recorded Deeds
- Calendar of N.Y. Colonial Manuscripts, Indorsed Land Papers; in the Office of the Secretary of State of New York, 1643-1803, by E. B. O'Callaghan
- Landholders of Northeastern New York, 1739-1802, by Fred Q. Bowman
- 1789-1835 Holland Land Company Records
- Pioneer History of the Holland Purchase of Western New York, Embracing Some Account of the Ancient Remains: A Brief History of Our Immediate Predecessors, the Confederated Iroquois, Their system of Government, Wars, Etc., a Synopsis of Colonial History, Some Notices of the Border Wars of the Revolution, by O. Turner
- Complete Name Index to Pioneer History of the Holland purchase of Western New York by O. Turner, 1849 and 1850, compiled by LaVerne C. Cooley
- 1804-1824 Western New York Land Transactions Extracted From the Archives of the Holland Land Company, by Karen E. Livsey
- 1825-1835 Western New York Land Transactions, vol. 2, by Karen E. Livsey
- Military Lists
- Guide to New York Civil War Records. See The Union Preserved: A Guide to the Civil War Records in the New York State Archives, edited by Harold Holzer
- Annual Report of the State Historian of the State of New York, Colonial Series, Transmitted to the Legislature March 3, 1896-March 14, 1898. 2 Vols
- New York Colonial Muster rolls, 1664-1775: Report of the State Historian of the State of New York
- Muster Rolls of New York Provincial Troops, 1755-1764
- Military Minutes of the Council of Appointment of the State of New York, 1783-1821, compiled and edited by Hugh Hastings and Henry Harmon Noble
- New York in the Revolution as Colony and State, these records were discovered, arranged and classified by James A. Roberts
- New York in the Revolution as Colony and State, v. II A Compilation of Documents and Records from the Office of the State Comptroller, Frederic G. Mather
- Index of Awards on Claims of the Soldiers of the War of 1812
- 1861-1865 - Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of New York
- Index to Soldiers & Sailors of the Civil War, a searchable name index to 6.3 million Union and Confederate Civil War soldiers
- Town Clerks' Registers of Men Who Served in the Civil War, ca. 1865-1867
- 1917-1918 Civilian Draft Registration Cards, New York State
- World War I Veterans' Service Data and Photographs (bulk 1919-1924)
- Newspaper Indexes
- 1784-1829 American Deaths and Marriages, reproduction of a card file compiled by Joseph Gavit
- Joseph Gavit's American Deaths and Marriages: Index to Non-principals in Microfilm Copies of Abstracts in the New York State Library, Albany, New York, compiled by Kenneth Scott
- Genealogical Data From Colonial New York Newspapers: A Consolidation of Articles from the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, compiled by Kenneth Scott
- 10,000 Vital Records of Central New York, 1813-1850, by Fred Q. Bowman
- 10,000 Vital Records of Eastern New York, 1777-1834, by Fred Q. Bowman
- 8000 More Vital Records of Eastern New York State, 1804-1850, by Fred Q. Bowman
- 10,000 Vital Records of Western New York, by Fred Q. Bowman
- 7000 Hudson-Mohawk Valley, (NY), Vital Records, 1808-1850, by Fred Q. Bowman
- Personal Name Index to the New York Times, 1851-1993: With Additional Supplements to 1996, and to 2001, compiled by Byron A. Falk, Valerie R. Falk
- General Index, 1869-1921, Editorial Index, 1902-1923, New York Evening Post
- CD-ROM Publications, Census Substitutes
- New York Abstracts of Wills, 1665-1801
- New York 1675-1920
- Early New York Families, 1600s-1900s
- Early Settlers of New York State, 1760-1942
- Heads-of-Household Listing New York as Birthplace in the 1870 U.S. Federal Census
- City Directories: New York 1886-1894, Selected Cities & Years
- Genealogies of Long Island Families, 1600s-1800s
- Immigrants to the New World, 1600s-1800s
- Index to Upstate New York Source Records, 1685-1910
- New York, 1675-1920 Genealogical Records
- Selected Areas of New York, 1639-1916 Marriage Index
- New York #2, 1740s-1880s Marriage Index
- New York City, 1600s-1800s Marriage Index
- New York in the Revolution and War of 1812
- New York Passenger and Immigration Lists, 1820-1850
- New York Revolutionary War Records, 1775-1840
- ALBANY State Census of Albany County Towns in 1790, compiled by Kenneth Scott
- ALBANY 1855-1905 New York State Censuses, Albany County, New York
- ALBANY 1855 New York State Census, Albany County, New York
- ALBANY 1855 New York State Census, 6th Ward, City of Albany
- ALBANY Card Index to 1892 New York State Census, Albany County, New York
- ALBANY 1915 and 1925 New York State Censuses, Albany County, New York
- ALBANY Card Index to 1925 State Population Census Schedules, City of Albany and Albany County, New York
- ALBANY Original Federal Censuses
- ALBANY 1860 Federal Census, Albany County, New York
- ALBANY The Matched Mortality and Population Schedules of 1860 Census of Albany City and County, New York, compiled by David Paul Davenport
- ALBANY 1870 Federal Census, Albany County, New York
- ALBANY 1880 Federal Census (Short Form), Albany County, New York
- ALBANY Census Substitutes & Selected Name Lists
- ALBANY An Index of Albany County Records Covering Materials Within the Dates 1630-1930, compiled by Lydia Hammond Gale
- ALBANY 1630-1966 Grantee-Grantor Index to Deeds, Albany County, New York
- ALBANY 1653, 1697, 1699, and 1742 Name Lists. See The Annals of Albany, by Joel Munsell
- ALBANY 1683-1700 Residents, Albany, New York, as extracted from the Albany Reformed Church member list by Arthur C. M. Kelly
- ALBANY 1684 Freeholders, Albany County, New York
- ALBANY 1697 Inhabitants, City of Albany, Albany County
- ALBANY 1702 and 1720 Freeholders List. See The Documentary History of the State of New York
- ALBANY Lists of Inhabitants of Colonial New York: Excerpted From The Documentary History of the State of New York by Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan, indexed by Rosanne Conway
- ALBANY 1701 Albany County. See Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York: Procured in Holland, England, and France, by John Romeyn Brodhead
- ALBANY 1730-1769 Patentees, Albany County
- ALBANY Upstate New York in the 1760s, Tax Lists and Selected Militia Rolls of Old Albany County, 1760-1768, by Florence Christoph
- ALBANY 1767 Rensselaer Manor Residents, West and East Sides of the Hudson River
- ALBANY 1781-1790 Albany County Tax Records
- ALBANY 1797 Book of Freeholders, Albany County, compiled by Arthur C. M. Kelly
- ALBANY 1813 Albany City Directory, Albany County
- ALBANY 1847-1849 Town Records, Town of Westerlo, Albany County
- ALBANY 1866 Residents, Town of Berne, Albany County
- ALBANY 1874-1879 Cemetery Proprietors, Albany Rural Cemetery, Albany County
- ALLEGHANY State Census Originals, Extracts, Indexes, Etc.
- ALLEGHANY 1845 & 1892 New York State Census, Town of Belfast, Allegany County, New York, part of 1824-1914 Records, Town of Belfast, Allegany County, New York
- ALLEGHANY 1845 New York State Census, Town of Genesee, Allegany County
- ALLEGHANY Card Index to the 1855 New York State Census, Allegany County, New York
- ALLEGHANY 1855 New York State Census, Town of Alfred, Allegany County
- ALLEGHANY 1855-1925 New York State Censuses, Allegany County, New York
- ALLEGHANY 1915 and 1925 New York State Censuses, Allegany County, New York
- ALLEGHANY Original Federal Censuses
- ALLEGHANY 1850 Federal Census, Allegany County, New York
- ALLEGHANY 1860 Federal Census, Allegany County, New York
- ALLEGHANY 1870 Federal Census, Allegany County, New York
- ALLEGHANY 1880 Federal Census (Short Form), Allegany County, New York
- ALLEGHANY Census Substitutes & Selected Name Lists
- ALLEGHANY 1807-1929 Grantee-Grantor Index to Deeds
- ALLEGHANY 1875 Gazetteer and Business Directory of Allegany County, N.Y
- ALLEGHANY 1879 History. See History of Allegany County, NY: With Illustrations Descriptive of Scenery, Private Residences, Public Buildings , Fine Blocks, and Important Manufactories, From Original Sketches by Artists of the Highest Ability; and Portraits of Old Pioneers and Prominent Residents
- ALLEGHANY History of Allegany County, N.Y.: A Name Index, compiled by Robert M. French
- BRONX State Census Originals, Extracts, Indexes, Etc.
- BRONX 1905 New York State Census, Manhattan and Bronx Boroughs, New York
- BRONX 1915, and 1925 New York State Censuses, Bronx County, New York
- BRONX Card Index to Street Names and House Addresses in New York County, for the New York State Census for 1905, 1915, and 1925
- BRONX 1925 Assembly District Maps for New York City Boroughs
- BRONX Census Substitutes & Selected Name Lists
- BRONX 1698 Fordham Census (now Bronx County)
- BRONX Early Settlers of West Farms, Westchester County, New York
- BRONX History of Riverdale, Kingsbridge, Spuyten Duyvil: An Historical Epitome of the Northwest Bronx, by William A. Tieck
- BRONX 1853-1854 Henry’s Directory of Morrisania and Vicinity, by John A. Henry
- BRONX Morrisania and Tremont Directory, 1871-72, Westchester County, New York [now Bronx County]
- BRONX 1874-1890 Indexes to Land Conveyances
- BRONX 1878-1895 Vital Records, see South Mount Vernon and Wakefield, New York, Register of Births, Marriages and Deaths (Ledgers)
- BRONX 1886 History. See History of Westchester County, New York, Including Morrisania, Kings Bridge, and West Farm: Which Have Been Annexed to New York City, by John Thomas Scharf
- BRONX 1914-1932 Declarations Index, Bronx County, New York
- BRONX 1914-1932 Petitions Index, Bronx County, New York
- BRONX 1931 Manhattan and Bronx Residential Directory: Containing an Alphabetical List of over 500,000 Names and Addresses and – Where Obtainable – Business or Occupation of Manhattan and Bronx Residents Not Listed in Current Telephone Books
- BROOME State Census Originals, Extracts, Indexes, Etc.
- BROOME 1825, 1835, 1845 State Censuses, and 1843 County Census, Broome County, New York
- BROOME 1825 New York State Census Index, Broome County, compiled by W. David Samuelsen
- BROOME 1825 and 1835 New York State Census, Various Towns, Broome County
- BROOME 1855 New York State Censuses, Broome County
- BROOME Card Index to the 1855 New York State Census, Broome County, New York
- BROOME 1865 New York State Census, Broome County, New York
- BROOME 1875 New York State Census, Broome County, New York
- BROOME 1892 New York State Census, Broome County
- BROOME 1905 New York State Census, Broome County
- BROOME 1915 and 1925 New York State Censuses, Broome County
- BROOME Original Federal Censuses
- BROOME 1820 and 1830 Federal Censuses, Broome County, New York
- BROOME 1850 Federal Census, Broome County, New York
- BROOME 1860 Federal Census, Broome County, New York
- BROOME 1880 Federal Census (Short Form), Broome County, New York
- BROOME Census Substitutes & Selected Name Lists
- BROOME 1791-1962 Grantee-Grantor Index to Deeds, Broome County, New York
- BROOME 1806-1832 Civil and Military Rolls, Broome County, New York
- BROOME 1813 Assessment Roll, Windsor, Broome County
- BROOME 1837-1840, 1869-1870 Assessment Rolls for Vestal, Collesville, and Windsor Towns, Broome County, New York
- BROOME 1896 Fenton School Tax Records
- CATTARAUGUS State Census Originals, Extracts, Indexes, Etc.
- CATTARAUGUS 1825-1905 New York State Censuses, Cattaraugus County
- CATTARAUGUS 1825 New York State Census, Town of Ellicottville, Cattaraugus County
- CATTARAUGUS 1825 and 1835 New York State Censuses, Cattaraugus County, (Printed Abstract & Index)
- CATTARAUGUS 1915 and 1925 New York State Censuses, Cattaraugus County, New York
- CATTARAUGUS Original Federal Censuses
- CATTARAUGUS 1850 Federal Census, Cattaraugus County, New York
- CATTARAUGUS 1860 Federal Census, Cattaraugus County, New York
- CATTARAUGUS 1870 Federal Census, Cattaraugus County, New York
- CATTARAUGUS 1880 Federal Census (Short Form), Cattaraugus County, New York
- CATTARAUGUS Census Substitutes & Selected Name Lists
- CATTARAUGUS 1800-1911 Miscellaneous Court Records of Cattaraugus County, New York
- CATTARAUGUS 1800-1877 Mortgage Records and Mortgagee-Mortgagor Index, 1800-1877
- CATTARAUGUS 1817-1968 Grantee-Grantor Index to Deeds
- CATTARAUGUS 1847-1956 Naturalization records, Cattaraugus County, New York
- CATTARAUGUS 1874-1875 Gazetteer and Business Directory of Cattaraugus County, N.Y.