New France and New England
New France and New England, by John Fiske, (1902), 2005, 5½x8½, paper, index, 428 pp., ISBN: 0788406507. Item # HBF0650.
Author's statement: "It is my purpose…to deal with the rise and fall of New France, and the development of the English colonies as influenced by the prolonged struggle with that troublesome and dangerous neighbor."
Here, find a comprehensive history that will interest anyone who desires a thorough knowledge of the events leading up to the French and Indian War. Highlights include the beginnings of Quebec and Montreal; the arrival of the Jesuits; witchcraft problems; the rise in tensions as pioneers crossed the Alleghanies, angering both the Indians, who lived on land supposedly to be kept free of whites, and the French, who felt their borders threatened; the escalation of military activity as Celeron takes possession of the Ohio Valley for King Louis XV in 1749, resulting in Major George Washington being sent to warn off the French, and sparking fighting at Fort Necessity and at several forts in New York; the examination of the movements of generals Montcalm, Wolfe, Forbes, and Amherst, and other key players; the deaths of Wolfe and Montcalm, and the capture of Quebec City. Six maps, reproduced from older works, show the British Colonies and Northern New France, 1750-1760; the Gulf of St. Lawrence by Champlain, 1632; North America, 1698; Louisburg; Lake George, 1772; and the Siege of Quebec. A comprehensive index includes names, places, and subjects. John Fiske was a prominent author, philosopher, lecturer at Harvard and professor of American History at Washington University (St. Louis).