Moore Family History
Moore Family History, by J. Montgomery Seaver; Paperback; 93 pp; 1929; Item # SV10
The Moore Family History / Genealogy was written by J. Montgomery Seaver, was published in 1929 and has 93 pages. This volume is an original - not a reprint. The following genealogical information can be found in the book:
A picture of Sir Thomas Moore, and a photograph of Captain Franklin Moore, as well as a photograph of the "Old Moore House" in Eaton, PA (built by Samuel Moore about 1782;
a descriptive page on the Moore Coats-of-Arms which was held by the Earls of Drogheda, greatest of Moore families in Ireland, who are descendants of the Moores of Moore Palce, Kent, England;
and a listing of a a large number of ancient titled Moore families and their area of residence in England - taken from "Burke's General Armory.
Genealogies include information on extremely early Moore families, including data for the Domesday Book of 1096. Descendencies include that of Sir Edward and Sir Thomas Moore, Knights, (Drogheda) who went over to Ireland; Moore of Ross Carbery; Moore of County Antrium; Moore of Frampton Hall; Moore of Grimeshill; Parkin-Moore of Whitehall; Moore of Hancox; and that of Edward Moore FCA, who died in 1891 with a son, Sir Edward Cecil Moore, of Colchester, County Essex, England.
A listing of 26 prominent British Moores of past generations is given with the biographical description usually giving year of birth and death, occupation, notable achievements, and lists of any published works by the individual.
A listing of 62 prominent British Moores who were living in 1929 when the book was compiled is also given. Education, degrees, residence, service, birth year and father's name are usually given.
The royal ancestry of descendants of the Bernard Moore family back to Robert II, King of Scotland; that of the Richard Moore family back to Dermont MacMurough, last king of Leinster, Ireland; that of the Judge William Moore family back to Robert Bruce, King of Scotland; that of the William Moore family back to Henry I, King of France (who married Anne of Russia); and that of the family of the Amishadia Moore family back to Robert II, King of Scotland.
Forty-six pages are given to descendancies of American Moore families. Many hundreds of names are included.
Under the heading of Moores in the American Revolution, 58 Moores who were officers are listed with biographical information. Typically listed is the state from which the officer served, their rank and dates thereof as well as their date of termination with the Army (whether by resignation, death, etc.). Listed by state, first name, and the number of Moores by that name are 2003 Moores who served in the Revolution.
Forty-three prominent Moores from past generations who lived in America are listed in biographical format, typically giving occupation, important life events, year and place of birth, and year and place of death. A listing of 111 prominent American Moores who were living in 1929 at time of publication of the book is given. The biographical information is sometimes as little as a name and occupation to as much as occupation, father's name, birth year and place, important life events, and city of residence.
A listing of 40 American localities in which the name Moore is listed is given.
A listing of how many households, by state, is given, totaling 28,951. It is stated that the list was made from telephone and city directories, excluding, when known, African Americans, British and other nationalities. This list may be interesting, but in my estimation it is worthless.
A short section of the book deals with the religious affiliations of Moore families.
A bibliography of 36 sources, as to where the information in the book came from is given at the back.