Mine Owners and Mines of the Colorado Gold Rush
Mine Owners and Mines of the Colorado Gold Rush; by Laurel Michele Wickersheim & Rawlene LeBaron; 510 pp; paper; 5.5x8.5; index; Published: 2007; ISBN: 0788431358; Item # HBL3135
Mine Owners and Mines of the Colorado Gold Rush by Laurel Michele Wickersheim & Rawlene LeBaron. This fascinating look at Colorado's gold rush is based on Thomas Corbett's classic directory of Colorado's known gold mines, silver mines, coal mines, and ore mills. This long out-of-print mining directory is a snapshot in time of Colorado's 1879 gold rush mines, listing each documented mine along with its owners, officers, and key employees. A brief discussion of each mine includes the date discovered, location, nature of the ore, etc. Mines are listed alphabetically by county, with a separate section devoted to coal mines and ore mills. The authors have edited and corrected the original compilation, and inserted interesting historical and biographical notes throughout the text. An extensive full name index, plus facsimile reprints of maps, photos, vintage postcards, and three old mining stock certificates enhance this work. This is a wonderful companion to Lost Cities of Colorado, but it stands alone admirably as a reference for genealogists because it names mine owners and reports the yield for most of the mines. It is a unique reference for historians, genealogists, geologists, and anyone drawn to the excitement and adventure of the old West.
- Dedication
- Foreword
- Colorado Mines, by County
- Arapahoe County
- Boulder County
- Clear Creek County
- Custer County
- Gilpin County
- Grand County
- Hinsdale County
- Huerfano County
- Jefferson County
- La Plata County
- Lake County
- Ouray County
- Park County
- Pueblo County
- Rio Grande County
- San Juan County
- Summit County
- Weld County
- Name Index (mine owners, officers, and key employees)