Map Guide To Swiss Parish Registers - Vol. 4 - Canton Of Fribourg - Hardbound
Map Guide to Swiss Parish Registers - Vol. 4 - Canton of Fribourg - Hardbound; by Kevan M. Hansen; 2017; 182 pp; 8.5x11; hard cover; ISBN: 978-1-62859-136-1; Item #: FR0674Hard
- Also available as a PDF eBook.
- Also available as a Soft Cover printed book.
The Map Guide to Swiss Parish Registers series is an out-growth of the very popular Map Guide to German Parish Registers project, which is still in process, but nearing completion. Over the years, we've been asked by numerous parties to extend the project to cover other German-speaking European countries. We did that with the publication of Map Guide to Luxembourg Parish Registers in 2016. There are 26 current cantons in Switzerland. Historic Bern is covered in the first two volumes of this series, and makes up two of those 26, as the current Canton of Jura is in historic Bern Canton. Volume three covers Canton Zürich, This volume (volume four of the series) deals with Canton Fribourg. It's planned that Canton Aargau will be covered in the fifth volume. Switzerland has 26 Cantons. Many of them are small, so we plan to publish guides to multiple cantons in many of the volumes. For this reason, we expect the entire series to be under 20 volumes.
Unlike American genealogical research, where the place to search is usually a civil registration (city, county, and state), European research is usually related to an ecclesiastical jurisdiction. In 18th and 19th century Switzerland, one must search the parish registers for births, christenings, marriages, deaths and burials. The historic boundaries for the Swiss cantons and amtsbezirke are quite well defined, and this volume lays them out in map form. Listings are given for both Catholic and Protestant parishes, along with what records are available and where to access them. Contact information, and the municipalities covered by each parish is found, making your Swiss research much easier to accomplish.
Each of the Map Guide to Swiss Parish Registers does the following:
- Identifies the major online resources for Swiss genealogical research.
- Identifies each canton with amtsbezirke (districts), and the municipalities, bauerten (farming coalitions), and subsidiary locations.
- Visually identifies church parishes within each amtsbezirk (district).
- Provides an overview of Swiss genealogical records.
- Identifies neighboring parishes, just in case your ancestor may have gone to an alternate parish.
- Aids in conducting area searches, particularly across district and canton borders.
- Provides visual identification of search areas in which to look for your family.
- Helps in determining proximity of one area to another.
- Identifies archives, repositories, and other resources.
- Identifies important gazetteers and online dictionaries available to researchers.
The following alphabetical list of 904 places are those found in Canton Fribourg.
Map Guide to Swiss Parish Registers - Vol. 4 - Canton of Fribourg; by Kevan M. Hansen; 2017; 182 pp; 8.5x11; soft cover; perfect bound; ISBN: 978-1-62859-135-4; Item #: FR0674
This volume is at the bindery. It is expected to be in print and shipping by May 12, 2017.
Note - This volume is also available in a hardbound edition. Click on the link to go to that page.
The Map Guide to Swiss Parish Registers series is an out-growth of the very popular Map Guide to German Parish Registers project, which is still in process, but nearing completion. Over the years, we've been asked by numerous parties to extend the project to cover other German-speaking European countries. We did that with the publication of Map Guide to Luxembourg Parish Registers in 2016. There are 26 current cantons in Switzerland. Historic Bern is covered in the first two volumes of this series, and makes up two of those 26, as the current Canton of Jura is in historic Bern Canton. Volume three covers Canton Zürich, This volume (volume four of the series) deals with Canton Fribourg. Canton Aargau is covered in the fifth volume. Switzerland has 26 Cantons. Many of them are small, so we plan to publish guides to multiple cantons in many of the volumes. For this reason, we expect the entire series to be under 20 volumes.
Unlike American genealogical research, where the place to search is usually a civil registration (city, county, and state), European research is usually related to an ecclesiastical jurisdiction. In 18th and 19th century Switzerland, one must search the parish registers for births, christenings, marriages, deaths and burials. The historic boundaries for the Swiss cantons and amtsbezirke are quite well defined, and this volume lays them out in map form. Listings are given for both Catholic and Protestant parishes, along with what records are available and where to access them. Contact information, and the municipalities covered by each parish is found, making your Swiss research much easier to accomplish.
Each of the Map Guide to Swiss Parish Registers does the following:
- Identifies the major online resources for Swiss genealogical research.
- Identifies each canton with amtsbezirke (districts), and the municipalities, bauerten (farming coalitions), and subsidiary locations.
- Visually identifies church parishes within each amtsbezirk (district).
- Provides an overview of Swiss genealogical records.
- Identifies neighboring parishes, just in case your ancestor may have gone to an alternate parish.
- Aids in conducting area searches, particularly across district and canton borders.
- Provides visual identification of search areas in which to look for your family.
- Helps in determining proximity of one area to another.
- Identifies archives, repositories, and other resources.
- Identifies important gazetteers and online dictionaries available to researchers.
The following alphabetical list of 904 places are those found in Canton Fribourg.
- Ackerbau
- Aeschlenberg
- Agrimoine
- Agriswil
- A la Cuax
- A la Cuaz
- Albeuve
- Allières
- Allys
- Altavilla
- Altenfüllen
- Alterswil
- Ammerswil
- Angstorf
- Arconciel
- Arruffens
- Arses (Les)
- Attalens
- Au Bois
- Auboranges
- Au Bugnon
- Au Carroz
- Au Criblet
- Au Dommun
- Auf dem Berg
- Auf der Fuhra
- Auges (Les)
- Au Marais
- Aumont
- Au Mystère
- Au Pâquier
- Au Poyet
- Au Renailly
- Au Revers
- Autafond
- Autavaux
- Autigny
- Aux Louichières
- Aux Placettes
- Aux Planches
- Aux Roches
- Avry‑devant‑Pont
- Avry‑ob‑Matran
- Avry‑sur‑Matran
- Avudran
- Ayges (les)
- Bächlisbrunnen
- Bahnzelg
- Balbertswil
- Balletswil
- Balsingen
- Barbereche
- Bärfischen
- Bäriswil
- Bas du Riau
- Basens
- Baumes
- Bei der Kapelle
- Belfaux
- Belle Croix
- Bellegarde
- Berg
- Bergerie
- Bergli
- Berlens
- Berlingen
- Bertigny
- Besencens
- Bethléem
- Bethlehem
- Billens
- Biollex
- Biollez (Le)
- Bionnens
- Bionning
- Blattishaus
- Blessens
- Blumisberg
- Bœsingen
- Bois
- Bois de Senèdes
- Bois d’Esse
- Bois du Pont
- Bois Girard
- Bollion
- Bon (Le)
- Bonn
- Bonnefontaine
- Borgeat
- Bösingen
- Bossens
- Bossonnens
- Botterens
- Botteringen
- Bouleyres
- Bouloz
- Bourg (Le)
- Bournin
- Brädlen
- Bregeau
- Breilles
- Brelan
- Bremundens
- Broc
- Bruck
- Brünisried
- Brünlaried
- Bry (Le)
- Bubenberg
- Buchen
- Buchholz
- Buchillon
- Büchslen
- Bugnon
- Bühl
- Buillard
- Buissons (Les)
- Bulle
- Bundtels
- Burg
- Burgbühl
- Burgfeld
- Burlingen
- Bussy
- Buth
- Cannes (Les)
- Caudraz (La)
- Cerniat
- Châbles
- Chalet (Le)
- Champagny
- Champin
- Champotey
- Chandon
- Chandossel
- Chapelle‑sur‑Gillerens
- Charmey
- Charmont
- Chassiaz (La)
- Château d’en bas
- Châtelard (Le)
- Châtel‑St. Denis
- Châtel sur Montsalvens
- Châtillon
- Châtonnaye
- Chausses (Les)
- Chaussiaz (La)
- Chaussiés (Les)
- Chavannes (Les)
- Chavannes‑les‑Forts
- Chavannes‑sous‑Orsonnens
- Chenens
- Chesalles
- Chésopelloz
- Chevrilles
- Cheyres
- Chez les Dumas
- Chiètres
- Cierne (La)
- Ciernes (Les)
- Closalet
- Clos Corboz (Le)
- Clos de l’Age (Le)
- Clos de Villars
- Clos d’Illens
- Comba (La)
- Combaz d’Amont
- Combaz d’Avaux
- Combes (Les)
- Communs (Les)
- Condemines
- Confins (Les)
- Coppet
- Corbaz (La)
- Corbéry
- Corbières
- Corcelles
- Cordast
- Corjolens
- Cormagens
- Cormanon
- Cormérod
- Corminbœuf
- Cormondes‑le‑Grand
- Cormondes‑le‑Petit
- Corpataux
- Corsalettes
- Corserey
- Côte (La)
- Coulaz (La)
- Courgevaud
- Courgevaux
- Courlevon
- Cournillens
- Courtaman
- Courtepin
- Courterey
- Courtion
- Cousset
- Coussiberlé
- Covy (Le)
- Crausa (La)
- Craux (Le)
- Cressier
- Crésuz
- Crétausaz
- Crét (La)
- Crét (Le)
- Crét‑près‑Semsales
- Criblet
- Croix (La)
- Cugy
- Curlin
- Cutterwil
- Delley
- die Au
- Dietisberg
- Dirlaret
- Domdidier
- Dompierre
- Drittenhäuser
- Drognens
- Düdingen
- Duens
- Dürrenberg
- Dürrenboden
- Ebnet
- Echarlens
- Eckelried
- Ecoulats (Les)
- Écublens
- Écuvillens
- Eichholz
- Eichmatte
- Elsewil
- Empfängnis
- En Barges
- En Bramafam
- En Crey
- En Cudré
- Engertswil
- En Jaigne
- Enney
- En Pramothaux
- En Prin‑Ney
- Entenmoos
- Épagny
- Épendes
- Épendes (Petit)
- Ergenzach
- Es Boux
- Eschiens
- Es Geneyvroz
- Es Molliés
- Esmonts
- Es Sécherons
- Essert (also Ried)
- Esserts
- Estavannens‑Dessous
- Estavannens‑Dessus
- Estavayer en Ogoz
- Estavayer‑le‑Gibloux
- Estavayer‑le‑Lac
- Estévenens
- Etenwil
- Eyssy
- Färtschera
- Farvagny‑le‑Grand
- Farvagny‑le‑Petit
- Felsenegg
- Fendringen
- Fenettaz
- Ferenbalm
- Ferlens
- Ferpicloz
- Ferschera
- Fetenach
- Fétigny
- Fiaugères
- Fillisdorf
- Flamatt
- Folliaz
- Font
- Fontanalles
- Fontanoux
- Forchaux
- Forel
- Formangueires
- Fortune (La)
- Franex
- Fräschels
- Frasses
- Freiburg
- Fribourg
- Friesenheit
- Frohmatt
- Frontin
- Fruence
- Fuyens
- Galinis
- Galmis
- Galmiz
- Galtern
- Galterngraben
- Ganderthal
- Gare (La)
- Garmiswil
- Gempenach
- Gerendach
- Gerenwil
- Geretsried
- Giffers
- Gillarens
- Givisiez
- Glâne (La)
- Glânes (Les)
- Gletterens
- Golaten
- Goletta (La)
- Gomms
- Gottaux
- Graben
- Grabou
- Grandfey
- Grand Marais
- Grand Rin (Le)
- Grandsivaz
- Grandvillard
- Grand Vivy
- Grange (La)
- Grange La Battia
- Granges‑de‑Vesin
- Granges d’Illens
- Granges (Les)
- Granges Rothey
- Grangette
- Grangettes
- Grattavache
- Grauholz
- Grenchen
- Greng Dessous
- Greng Dessus
- Grenilles
- Grimoine
- Grissach
- Grolley
- Gross Favernach
- Grossgurmels
- Grossguschelmuth
- Gross Mertenlach
- Grossmoos
- Grossried
- Gross Vivers
- Grünenburg
- Gruyères (also Greyerz)
- Guéravet
- Guglenberg
- Guglera
- Guin
- Gumefens
- Gumschen
- Gurbrü
- Gurmels
- Gurwolf
- Guschubürli
- Halten
- Hauteville
- Heitenried
- Heitenwil
- Heitiwil
- Hennens
- Henzenried
- Hermisberg
- Hermisbühl
- Herrenschür
- Hintere Tann
- Hollenacker
- Holz
- Holzacker
- Holzgasse
- Holzhandel
- Hubel
- Hundsfluh
- Iffertswil
- Illens
- Illingen
- Im
- Im Berli
- Im Fan
- Im Kohlholz
- Im Krachen
- Im Moos
- Impart
- Im Spitel
- Im Umbertsried
- In der Hofmatt
- Invaud
- Irrenheilanstalt
- Jaillaz (La)
- Jaun
- Jentes
- Jetschwil
- Jetswil
- Jeuss
- Jeussfeld
- Jordil (Le)
- Joressant
- Jorettaz (La)
- Joux (La)
- Juch
- Juchholz
- Kaltenseschlund
- Kappelboden
- Kastels ob Montsalvens
- Kastels‑St. Dionis
- Kerzers
- Kleinbösingen
- Klein Favernach
- Kleingurmels
- Kleinguschelmuth
- Klein Mertenlach
- Klein Vivers
- Korbers
- Krommen
- Kurlin
- La
- L’Abbaye
- La Croix
- L’Adrey
- La Grange des Bois
- La Jacquaz
- Lampersthalden
- Landprat
- La Neuveville
- La Neyrigue
- Langebitzen
- Langesried
- Länglod
- Langwiler
- Lanthen
- La Plance)
- La Sauge
- La Sionge
- L’Auge
- L’Auge Gotteron
- L’Auge Grabensal
- L’Auge Stalden
- Lavapesson
- La Vernaz
- La Villette
- La Voos
- Léchelles
- Lehwil
- Leitern
- Lentenach
- Lentigny
- Les
- Les Carrys
- Les Charbonnières
- Les Murailles
- Les Réplanaz
- L’Essert
- Lessoc
- L’Etrey
- Lévanches (Les)
- Le Vulsy
- L’Haut des Roches
- Liderrey
- Liebistorf
- Lieffrens
- Linvué
- Lischeren
- Litzisdorf
- L’Oche
- Lossy
- Lourtens
- Lovateyre (La)
- Lovens
- Löwenberg
- Luggenwil
- Lugnorre
- Lully
- Lurtigen
- Lussy
- Lustdorf
- Macconnens
- Maggenberg
- Magnedens
- Magne (La)
- Malessert
- Mannens
- Marais (Le)
- Marais (Les)
- Marchet
- Mariahilf
- Marly‑le‑Grand
- Marly‑le‑Petit
- Marsens
- Massonnens
- Matran
- Matte
- Matten
- Maudens
- Maules
- Medenwil
- Mellisried
- Ménières
- Menzisberg
- Menzishaus
- Menziswil
- Merlach
- Meyriez
- Mézières
- Middes
- Mischleren
- Miserach
- Mollietaz (La)
- Moncor
- Montagny‑la‑Ville
- Montagny‑les‑Monts
- Montalban
- Montbelley
- Montborget
- Montbovon
- Montbrelloz
- Montbrenloz
- Montécu
- Montemblon
- Montenach‑Berg
- Montenach‑Stadt
- Montet
- Montet près Payerne
- Montet près Rue
- Montévraz
- Montilier
- Montimbert
- Mont (Le)
- Morat
- Morens
- Morlens
- Morlon
- Mossel
- Motélon
- Môtier
- Môtier‑Vully
- Moulin
- Moulin (Le)
- Moulins (Les)
- Mounaz
- Muffethan
- Mühle
- Muhlers
- Mühlethal
- Muntelier
- Munterschu
- Mur
- Muren
- Murist
- Murten
- Murtenwegfeld
- Muschels
- Muttacker
- Nant
- Neirigue (La)
- Neirivue
- Neuhaus
- Neumatt
- Neustadt
- Neustadt Court Chemin
- Neustadt Grandfontaine
- Neustadt Matte (der)
- Neustatt
- Neyruz
- Niederbösingen
- Niedermettlen
- Niedermohren
- Niedermonten
- Niedermontenach
- Niedermuhren
- Niederwistenlach
- Nierlet les Bois
- Nierlet le Toit
- Noflen
- Nonan
- Noréaz
- Nuvilly
- Oberbach
- Obere
- Oberflamatt
- Oberholz
- Obermagggenberg
- Obermettlen
- Obermonten
- Obermontenach
- Obermühlethal
- Oberschrot
- Obertswil
- Oberwistenlach
- Onnens
- Ormey
- Orsonnens
- Orsonning
- Ottisberg
- Paccot
- Paccottes (Les)
- Pala (La)
- Pâquier (Le)
- Péleret
- Pensier
- Perfetschied
- Pérolles
- Perralaz (La)
- Perrausa (La)
- Perrex (Le)
- Perroman
- Petit Vivy
- Pfaffenholz
- Pichlen
- Pierrafortscha
- Pierraz (La)
- Pissau
- Places (Les)
- Plaffeien
- Plan
- Planafaye
- Planche (La)
- Plan du Marais
- Planefay
- Planfayon
- Plan (le)
- Plannet (La)
- Plasselb
- Plassselbschlund
- Poffetsmühle
- Pollet (Le)
- Ponnendorf
- Pont‑en‑Ogoz
- Ponthaux
- Pont‑la‑Ville
- Pont Saussivue (Le)
- Popplera
- Porsel
- Portalban‑dessous
- Portalban‑dessus
- Posat
- Poxieux
- Poya (La)
- Poyet
- Poyet (Le)
- Praderwan
- Prairuz (Le)
- Pramandier
- Praroman
- Pratzey
- Praudian
- Prayoud
- Prays (Les)
- Praz
- Praz de Barraz
- Praz du Crau
- Praz Gez
- Praz (Le)
- Praz Mathaux
- Prélaz (Le)
- Pré Neuf
- Prés des Sauges
- Prez
- Prez‑vers‑Noréaz
- Prez‑vers‑Siviriez
- Prilaz
- Pringy
- Progens
- Promasens
- Promasing
- Purlaux
- Rafforts (Les)
- Rain
- Râpes
- Räsch
- Rechthalten
- Remaufens
- Remund
- Ressy
- Riallès
- Riaux (Les)
- Riaz
- Riederberg
- Riederen
- Riombochet
- Roche (La)
- Rochettes (Les)
- Rohr
- Romanens
- Römerswil
- Romont
- Rontes (Les)
- Röschenwil
- Rosé
- Rosière
- Rossens
- Rosset
- Rothey
- Rougève (La)
- Rue
- Rueyres
- Rueyres‑les‑Prés
- Rueyres‑St. Laurent
- Rueyres‑Treyfayes
- Rufenen
- Ruppertswil
- Rüti
- Rüw
- Ruz (Le)
- Sage
- Sägen
- Sagenboden
- Saint‑Antoine
- Saint‑Aubin
- Sainte Apolline
- Saint Loup
- Saint‑Martin
- Saint‑Ours
- Saint Sylvestre
- Sales
- Sâles
- Salvagny
- Salvenach
- Sankt Albin
- Sankt Antoni
- Sankt Silvester
- Sankt Ursen
- Sankt Wolfgang
- Sapallez (La)
- Saulgy (Le)
- Schärlingen
- Scherwil
- Scheuergraben
- Schiffenen
- Schleif
- Schmitten
- Schönfels
- Schüren
- Schwarzwasser
- Schwenni
- Sciernes
- Scubilingen
- Seeli
- Seeligraben
- Seiry
- Selgiswil
- Semsales
- Senèdes
- Sensebrücke
- Serbache
- Sévez
- Siebenzach
- Signal (Le)
- Silberrath
- Siviriez
- Sommentier
- Sommerau
- Sorens
- Spinz
- Staffels
- Stäffis am Gibel
- Staffis am See
- Steckele
- Steig
- Steinhaus
- Stersmühle
- Stöck
- Strohflechterei
- Stutz
- Sugiez
- Sur Croix
- Sur‑le‑Mont
- Sur le Moulin
- Sur‑le‑Moulin
- Sur les Monts
- Sur Lya
- Sus Pin
- Tafers
- Tanna
- Tasberg
- Tavel
- Tentlingen
- Thalbach
- Thellmoos
- Thorin
- Tinterin
- Torny‑le‑Grand
- Torny le Petit
- Tour‑de‑Trême (La)
- Treffels
- Treyfayes
- Treyvaux
- Trimont
- Tschabelmoos
- Tschupru
- Tufters
- Tützenberg
- Tutzishaus
- Tzapalla
- Tzintre (La)
- Ueberstorf
- Uebewil
- Ulmiz
- Umbertschwenni
- Unbefleckten
- Unterwinterlingen
- Unterwistenlach
- Ursy
- Uttewil
- Utzets (Les)
- Valsainte (La)
- Vauderens
- Vaulruz
- Verdaux
- Vernes (les)
- Vernes (Les)
- Vernez (Le)
- Verrerie (La)
- Vers chez Descloux
- Vers chez Seydoux
- Vers la Fabrique
- Vers la Gare
- Vers l’Église
- Vers le Moulin
- Vers‑les‑Mouline
- Vers Saint Jean
- Vers Saint‑Pierre
- Vesin
- Vetterwil
- Viehzucht
- Vignettaz
- Villangeaux
- Villaraboud
- Villaranon
- Villarbeney
- Villard
- Villard (Le)
- Villarepos
- Villaret
- Villarey
- Villargerman
- Villargiroud
- Villariaz
- Villarlod
- Villars‑d’Avry
- Villarsel‑le‑Gibloux
- Villarsiviriaux
- Villars‑les‑Jones
- Villars‑sous‑Mont
- Villars‑sur‑Glâne
- Villars‑sur‑Marly
- Villarvolard
- Villaz‑Saint Pierre
- Ville du Bois
- Villette (La)
- Vogelshaus
- Volavy
- Vordere Tann
- Vorsatz
- Vuadens
- Vuarat
- Vuarmarens
- Vuatty
- Vuilly‑le‑Bas
- Vuilly‑le‑Haut
- Vuippens
- Vuisternens devant Pont
- Vuisternens‑devant‑Romont
- Vuisternens‑en‑Ogoz
- Wallenbuch
- Wallenried
- Warmsenseschlund
- Weibelsried
- Weissenbach
- Wengliswil
- Wiesenbau
- Wiler
- Wiler am Berg
- Wilerfeld
- Wiler ob Avry
- Wileröltingen
- Wiler vor Holz
- Winterlingen
- Winterlingen bei Remund
- Winterlingen in Ogoz
- Wippingen
- Wolfeich
- Wolgiswil
- Wolperswil
- Wüadingen
- Wünnenwil
- Wünnewil
- Zénauva
- Zible
- Zirkels
- Zum Holz
- Zum Thurm
- Zur Eich
- Zurflüh
- Zur Mark