Locating Your German Ancestor's Place of Origin
Locating Your German Ancestor's Place of Origin; by Eric Kopittke; 2011; 48 pp; 5.75x8.25; paper; Indexed; ISBN: 9780980874648; Item #: RUTP0201
Due to the large number of people emigrating from Germany, many of the current generation are now seeking to find out more about their German heritage.
A primary goal when researching people from Germany is to locate the places from which they originated. This is important because specific locations are needed in order to proceed further: to obtain civil or church records of births or baptisms, marriages, and deaths or burials, for example.
Unlike the British situation where births, deaths and marriages were recorded centrally, in Germany they were recorded and stored locally at the local Standesamt (civil registry office).
This book guides you through finding various records which will help in locating your ancestor's place of origin.
- Introduction
- Birth, death and marriage certificates
- Emigration records
- Hamburg Auswandererlisten (Emigrant lists)
- Württemberg Emigration Index
- Baden Emigration Emigration Index
- Danish Emigration Database
- Swiss Overseas Emigration 1910-1953
- Immigration records
- Naturalisation records
- Other records
- Obituaries
- Biographies
- Cemetery records
- Family bible
- Resolving difficulties
- Gazetteers
- Meyers Orts- und Verkekrs-lexicon des Deutschen Reichs
- Gemeinde Lexikon für das Königreich Preußen
- Gemeinde Lexicon für den Freistaat Preussen
- Deutsches Ortsvuerzeichnis
- Kartenmeister
- ProGenealogists
- GOV - Das genealogische Ortsverzeichnis
- Maps
- Bibliography
- Index