Indiana Source Book Vol. 1-3 Index

Indiana Source Book Vol. 1-3 Index

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Indiana Source Book Vol. 1-3 Index; Genealogical Material from "the Hoosier Genealogist" 1961-1979; by Willard Heiss; 406 pp; Hardcover; Published: 1983; Item # IHS040

This book concludes a project of the publishing of the first three books of Indiana Source Records. Those volumes included marriages, wills, naturalizations, and other useful material that appeared in the Hoosier Genealogist (1961-1970). Even though some of it was in alphabetical  sequence, most of it was not. 

Dorothy Riker, working with volunteers and in conjunction with Compolith Graphics of Indianapolis, has compiled more than 115,000 names. The index can be used as a finding tool in itself.

The first 6 pages (beyond the Preface) are the content of the Source Books themselves. Following that is the every-name index to the first 3 volumes of the series.