Bundle of three (3) PDF eBooks; Item FR0430-PDF, $19.95:
1. Genealogical Document Organization: Paper Files to Computer Files, by William Dollarhide, featuring Organizing Your Electronic Genealogical Documents, by Leland K. Meitzler; PDF eBook (emailed at Checkout). Item #FR0428-PDF. Description of Gen Doc Organization booklet.
2. Genealogical Identification Numbering: Ancestors, Descendants, Collaterals, by William Dollarhide; PDF eBook (email at Checkout), Item #FR0427-PDF. Description of Gen ID Numbering booklet.
3. Federal, State & County LAND RECORDS & Maps, Names & Places, by William Dollarhide, PDF eBook (emailed at Checkout). Items # FR0429-PDF. Description of Land Records booklet.