Henry Family Records
Henry Family Records, by J. Montgomery Seaver; Paperback; 32 pp; 1929; Item # SV03
This book is soft covered, saddle stapled and measures about 5.5 x 8.5 inches. The Henry volume was published in 1929 and has 30 pages. This book is an original - not a reprint.
The following genealogical information can be found in the book:
Pictures of John Joseph Henry, former President Judge of the Second Judicial District of Pennsylvania; Patrick Henry, Early Governor of Virginia and Patriot; and General William Henry of Kentucky (1761-1824);
An introduction that includes a very short history of the Henry surname;
And a descriptive page on the coat of arms given to the Henrys of North Ireland;
Under the heading of Ancient Henry Families, Henrys found in "Burke's General Armory," are listed as well as information on four branches of the Henry family, namely Henry of Cahore; Henry of East Dene; Henry of Campden House Court; and information on the family of Isaac Solomon Henry of Adelaide, S. Australia and of London born 1818.
A listing of eight prominent British Henrys of past generations is given with the biographical description usually giving year of birth and death, occupation, notable achievements, and lists of any published works by the individual.
A listing of 12 prominent British Henrys who were living in 1929 when the book was compiled is also given. Education, degrees, residence, service, birth year and father's name are usually given.
The royal ancestry of the Patrick Henry family back to James II, King of Scotland; that of Mrs. Patrick Henry Family back to Henry III, King of England; that of Dr. Anson G. Henry back to Henry I, King of France; that of Major Henry (U.S. Army) back to Edward III, King of England; that of Henry Breevort Henry back to James I, King of Scotland; that of William Henry and Francis Jenkins Henry Family back to Robert II, King of Scotland; and that of the Guy Vernor Henry family back to Edward I, King of England.
Under the heading of Henry in the American Revolution, 11 Henrys who were officers are listed with biographical information. Typically listed is the state from which the officer served, their rank and dates thereof as well as their date of termination with the Army (whether by resignation, death, etc.). Listed by state, first name, and the number of Henrys by that name are 476 Henrys who served in the Revolution.
One page is given to American Henry Families.
Twenty-six prominent Henrys from past generations who lived in America are listed in biographical format, typically giving occupation, important life events, year and place of birth, and year and place of death. A listing of 27 prominent American Henrys who were living in 1929 at time of publication of the book is given. The biographical information is sometimes as little as a name and occupation to as much as occupation, father's name, birth year and place, important life events, and city of residence.
A listing of 15 American localities in which the name Henry is listed is given.
A listing of how many households, by state, is given, totaling 6,994. It is stated that the list was made from telephone and city directories.
A short section of the book deals with the religious affiliations of Henry families.
A bibliography of 22 sources, as to where the information in the book came from is given at the back.