Harnessing The Facebook Generation: Ideas For Involving Young People In Family History And Heritage
Harnessing the Facebook Generation: Ideas for Involving Young People in Family History and Heritage; by Janet Few; 2016; 48 pp; 5.75x8.25; b&w photos, index, paperback; ISBN: 9781925323320; Item #: RUTP0263
Despite its title, this book is not about how to set up a Facebook page, how to Tweet, or how to create a website. Instead, it is about ensuring a future for our research. It is about why we should be concerned about doing this and how we can go about making sure that our family's history is not only preserved, but enhanced when we are no longer able to be its custodian. It is about presenting our hobby in a way that is attractive to all age groups. This is a book for grown-ups who want to inspire their descendants and other young people, with a love of history and heritage.
It is a thought-provoking look at how we can encourage the next generation of family historians and why we might want to do so. Suggestions cover activities, outings, toys, games, books and ways of exploiting the internet in order to motivate and enthuse young people, even toddlers.
- Introduction
- Meet the Facebook generation
- Overcoming barriers to involving young people
- The children in my family live too far away
- I have no children in my family
- The children in my family are too young
- The children in my family aren't interested
- Books, magazine, films and websites
- Books aimed at the under 5s
- Books aimed at the 5-7 year olds
- Books aimed at the 8-11 year olds
- Books aimed at young people from the age of 12
- Toys and games
- Exploiting technology and the world of social media
- Visits, re-enactments and reunions
- Children like to do and touch
- Other activities
- Ideas for the under fives
- Books and websites
- Index