Hard Cover- Pocahontas' Descendants, A Revision, Enlargement And Extension Of The List As Set Out By Wyndham Robertson In His Book Pocahontas And Her Descendants (1887). Combined With Two Volumes Of Corrections And Additions
Pocahontas' Descendants ; by Stuart E. Brown, Jr. Lorraine F. Myers, and Eileen M. Chappel; Published: 1985, 1992, Reprinted: 2003; Hard Cover; viii + 716 pp; ISBN 0806314079; Item GPC715HB
This book no longer comes in Hard cover, this is the last one we have!
- Also available as a Soft Cover book.
Thomas Rolfe, the son of John Rolfe and Pocahontas, the legendary Indian princess, was the father of Jane Rolfe and (possibly) Anne Rolfe by different wives. Jane subsequently married a Bolling and Anne, an Elwyn, from which unions issued an enormous progeny, today numbering in the tens of thousands and encompassing numerous lines of the colonial Virginia gentry. Starting with the Bolling lines, which include the "white," "red" and "blue" Bollings, this book carries Pocahontas' descendants down to the present time. In this definitive edition of Pocahontas' Descendants, the two volumes of corrections and additions of 1992 and 1994 have been appended to the base volume of 1985, resulting in a consolidated volume in excess of 700 pages, with indexes containing over 30,000 names! A foundation stone in Virginia genealogy and a major contribution to our knowledge of old Virginia families!