Google For Genealogists - Webinar-on-CD - Presented By Thomas MacEntee
Most genealogists are only using 10% or less of the resources behind Google when it comes to genealogy research. Learn from professional genealogist, Thomas MacEntee, about the other 90% and how these Google components can be leveraged for better search results. Google is more than just a search engine – it is a wealth of information much of which goes unnoticed by the average genealogist. Besides search, Google allows you to access maps, books, journals, abstracts, patents and much more. These components may be what is needed to make advances in your genealogy research.
This class was presented to a live webinar (online seminar) audience on January 5, 2011. 1 hour 28 minutes.
About the author: Thomas MacEntee is a professional genealogist specializing in the use of technology and social media to improve genealogical research and as a means of interacting with others in the family history community. Utilizing over 25 years of experience in the information technology field, Thomas writes and lectures on the many ways in which blogs, Facebook and Twitter can be leveraged to add new dimensions to the genealogy experience. As the creator of GeneaBloggers.com he has organized and engaged a community of over 1,300 bloggers to document their own journeys in the search for ancestors.
System Requirements: PC or Mac with Windows installed (using Boot Camp, Parallels, etc.). Windows XP or higher, CD-Rom drive, speakers, Adobe Reader to view handouts, Internet connection to download handouts.