Genealogy at a Glance: Russian Genealogy Research
Genealogy at a Glance: Russian Genealogy Research; by Vera Ivanova Miller; Laminated; 8.5 x 11; 4 pp, folded; 2021; ISBN: 9780806321127; Item #: GPC3831
Russians emigrated in several waves, coming from many countries of the former USSR, including Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova, and Belarus, in addition to current-day Poland. An estimated 23 million people emigrated from Russia after the 1917 Revolution alone, with another large wave of emigration after World War II. However, with the dispersion of so many Russians, the massive destruction in the country after World War II, the breakup of the Soviet Union, and language barriers, those with Russian ancestry have a challenging job of tracing their family history.
That’s where Genealogy at a Glance: Russian Genealogy Research, by Vera Ivanova Miller, comes in. In just four, laminated pages, Miller gives you all the information you’ll need to get started on the search for your Russian ancestors. Topics covered include Russian names and religions; how to locate Russian ancestral places; researching in Russian archives, censuses, parish registers, and consular records; and where to go online to access databases and other helpful information.
To assist Russian genealogy researchers even further, Miller has included a “Quick Guide to the Russian Alphabet” and a sprinkling of helpful tips throughout the piece.