Genealogy at a Glance: Irish Genealogy Research. 2nd Edition
Genealogy at a Glance: Irish Genealogy Research. 2nd Edition; by Brian Mitchell; 4 pp., folded; Laminated; 8.5x11, Published: 2019; ISBN: 9780806320984; Item # GPC3894
This is the second edition of Genealogy at a Glance: Irish Genealogy Research, a four-page, laminated guide that provides an overview of the basic facts you need to know in order to begin and proceed successfully with your Irish genealogical research. Building on years of experience, Irish genealogy expert Brian Mitchell tells you about the most important sources used in Irish research, where to find them, and how to use them.
Since the first edition of this guide was published, many more key record sources have been digitized and made available online, including Irish civil records of births, marriages, and deaths; Irish parish registers; and cemetery records. In this second edition, Mitchell discusses how to access these newly available resources, and gives the most current information on record repositories, genealogy websites, and reference materials that will help further your research.
From emigration lists and surname histories to church registers and census records–each accompanied with important background information–Mitchell very cleverly lays out the whole of Irish genealogical research, providing what is arguably the best four pages ever written on the subject.