Further Undertakings of a Dead Relative Collector; by Laverne Galeener-Moore; Originally printed 1989; Reprinted 1998; 170 pp; Soft Cover; ISBN: 9780806312460; Item # CF2106
Here she comes again, our aging Joan of Arc, mercilessly stripping away the veneer covering the sordid world of genealogy; teeth bared, mop and blender at the ready –motherhood and America on the line – she's out to do battle with the dragons of genealogy.
Disguised as an ordinary person, she penetrates the inner sanctum of American genealogy, smoking out baloney and quackery in the lecture halls, exposing hidden meanings and dark purposes in wingdings in such innocent seeming places as Ohio and California, confronting Armageddon itself in San Francisco, and raising doubts about the sanity of the universe.
With a swipe at foreigners, computer freaks, reluctant letter-writers, and certain best-forgotten ancestors--not to mention the hell on earth when the microfilm reader is on the fritz – our good lady is uncompromising in her single-minded devotion to flushing out flummery and humbug. But does she succeed? Does good triumph over evil in the garden of genealogy? Or will the dark forces of earnest endeavor gain the upper hand?
You'll be laughing so hard you may never find out!