Click on "Add to Cart" to order this FREE FLYER (with NO SHIPPING charge) detailing the contents of these books by Frederick George Siler:
Heraldry and Genealogy: A Geographical Perspective - A series of volumes dealing with common German surnames – associating European geographical location, heraldry, and genealogy
These one-of-a-kind books are a unique series of titles exploring the heraldry and genealogy of common German surnames, with a focus on English-speaking family historians who seek another fresh approach to their research. These are not just more books about how to trace your German ancestors or reprints of readily available information from old sources. Most family historians will concede that the research process begins to become more tedious when we attempt to deal with European historical locations and records written in a foreign language. Armed with these books, you may start to overcome barriers of language and shifting state boundaries and place your ancestors in historical context.