Family Diversity – The Oler Family Of Maryland With Allied Families Colley, Kennedy, Mason, And Smith 1500 To 2011 Volume III
Family Diversity – The Oler Family of Maryland with Allied Familis Colley, Kennedy, Mason and Smith 1500 to 2011 Vol. III ; by Nancy Lee Waters; 2012; 480 pp; 100 Photographs, hardbound; acid-free paper, appendices, full bibliography, fully sourced endnotes; full name index; Item #NWL01.
The volume traces the ancestry Charles Edward Oler back to his great, great grandfather. Phillip Oler as well as the history of his great grandmother, Charlotta Colley and her Welsh Heritage. The Kennedy’s are documented from his grandmother, Catherine Kennedy, back to Ireland. His mother’s Smith and Mason families are also included.
The 640 surnames appearing in the book include: Adams, Arndt, Baldwin, Beveridge, Billingsley, Bond, Bordeille, Borig, Brannaman, Brough, Bride, Broglie, Brookman, Brushe, Burgett, Burnham, Cade, Caruso, Casey, Cassell, Cawthorne, Childs, Chinea, Chisholm, Colley, Colliflower, Cooper, Crowley, Cunningham, Dages, Deibel, Dickinson, Dill, Dillon, Donahue, Downs, Dunn, Eckhart, Edmondson, Egli, Farrow, Fields, Fisher, Floyd, Fowler, Franklin, Fringer, Fuchs, Gaule, Gerwig, Gilman, Godman, Green, Grice, Grimes, Hale, Hall, Hamer, Hamilton, Hanly, Harris, Hausknecht, Head, Helfrich, Hock, Hohl, Holland, Horn, Hughes, Huhn, Johnson, Jones, Joynes, Kahler, Keefer, Keene, Keith, Kenedy, Kennedy, Kerr, Kilduff, Klausing, Knell, Kolb, Kuhlmann, Lange, Lapp, Lauer, Lauterbach, Lee, Loane, Long, Mackie, Maihl, Marshall, Mason, Maxwell, McClelland, Mckewen, Mellon, Miller, Nicholson, Oldfield, Oler, Ott, Owen, Parsons, Parton, Pauls, Pearce, Peyton, Poland, Ports, Powell, Price, Rathell, Rein, Ritchey, Robinson, Roes, Rollison, Rullman, Runk, Russell, Ruth, Scaggs, Schultze, Selig, Shipley, Shrigley, Sierck, Sipes, Smith, Speake, Spicer, Sprinkle, Stankiewicz, Stansfield, Steck, Stephens, Stevens, Sullivan, Swancott, Tanner, Thomas, Thompson, Tillsley, Turner, Vance, Wagner, Walburn, Ward, Warfield, Waters, Watkins, Wheary, Wheat, White, Whitney, Whittington, Wilkinson, Will, Williams, Wilson, Winneberger, Wooden.
About the Author
Nancy Water Lauer is a researcher, lecturer, college instructor, and award-winning author. She has extensive speaking experience throughout the Maryland-Virginia area.
The 1997 Heart of America Genealogical Society Award of Excellence was awarded Nancy’s First book, Family Diversity – The Huhn, Pestorf and Steck Families Volume I, and she earned the 2007 National Genealogical Society Writing Competition Award for Excellence: Genealogy and Family History for her second book, Family Diversity – The Lauer, Borgmeir, Bauer Familes – Deutschland to Baltimore, Maryland and the MacCubbin’s 1650-2006 Volume II. This book also earned the 2007 Maryland Historical Society Sumner a Paker Award, for the best genealogy of a Maryland family. Nancy was a second place winner, 2010 ISFHWE Category III – Original Research Story, and Third place winner of the 2008 ISFHWE Category III – Original Research Story as well as a finalist in the 2008 California Genealogical Society’s writing contest. She is a certified Six Sigma Black Belt, certified Microsoft Professional and member of APG, GSG, ISFHWE (secretary), NGS, MdHS, American Society for Quality, and International Society of Six Sigma Professionals.