Bell-Tower Biographies 89-89 Orting Centennial; Washington State
Bell-Tower Biographies 89-89 Orting Centennial; by The People of Orting; 217 pp; Paperback; Indexed; Item # C0001.
See also - Bell-Tower II - Orting Centennial Bell-Tower Biographies with Personalized Bricks Index.
In the shadow of Mt. Rainer there lies the town of Orting, Washington. For more than 100 years this picture community has been but five minutes from volcanic destruction. This is the stories of some of Orting’s residences, people from the surrounding communities and their ancestors, told in the words of these people on the celebration of the centennial of Orting’s founding.
As one former resident stated “this town, Orting, is one of the best small towns in America, safe, friendly and you tend to not even care that when the mountain blows you’re going to be under a mud and lava flow before you can even know its coming. A great place to raise kids too. The following surnames, Businesses, and Organizations are found in the volume:
- Abbott
- Ackermann
- Adams
- Albert
- Anderson
- Andersson
- Antonie
- Arden
- Armojo
- Ary
- Auckland
- Backus
- Ballie
- Baker
- Ball
- Balmer
- Bandli
- Barb
- Barnett
- Barney
- Barquest
- Barrow
- Barsland
- Barteaux
- Baumgardener
- Baxter
- Beckett
- Beckman
- Beer
- Belcher
- Belford
- Bell
- Benthein
- Berube
- Besaw
- Best
- Billdt
- Bishop
- Black
- Black Bear Tavern
- Blank
- Blankenship
- Blue
- Blue Jeans Garden Club
- Boback
- Bock
- Boggs
- Bohnankamp
- Bormann
- Bosshart
- Boster
- Boudreau
- Bouldron
- Boyce
- Boyd
- Bryaden
- Brammer
- Bresemanns
- Brewer
- Brewer & Rae Construction
- Brislin
- Brovold
- Brown
- Bruha
- Buman
- Burt Coe's Feed Store
- Butts
- Buxton
- Callendar
- Carleton
- Carman
- Carr
- Caton
- Cavett
- Caviezel
- Cecchi
- Chavez
- Chenault
- Christian
- Christy
- Church
- Clarke
- Clearly
- Clelen
- Clifford
- Cloud
- Cloverleaf Farms
- Club Tavern & Cafe
- Coats
- Cochrane
- Coe
- Coe's Feed Store
- Coe's Grocery Store
- Coe's Store
- Cole
- Collier
- Colorossi
- Colorossi Tavern
- Comer
- Compton
- Conklin
- Cook
- Cooper
- Cope
- Cope's Pharmacy
- Cope's Rexall Drug Store
- Coplan
- Coplan's Farm
- Conett
- Couch
- Covell
- Covington]Cox
- Crabtree
- Crane
- Crocker Grange
- Cromie
- Crow
- Crum
- Cullivan
- Culp
- Cummings
- Cutiss
- Cutler
- Daffern
- Danley
- Danly
- Daugherty
- Davenport
- Davis
- Deardeuff
- DeFazio
- DeNisson
- DeVries
- DeVries Dairy
- Dey
- Dick
- Dimmitt
- Docken
- Dodge
- Doke
- Dowl
- Driggers
- Duff
- Duffy
- Duncan
- Duuck
- Dye
- Dyke
- Eby
- Edn
- Edmunds
- Edmondson
- Eide
- Eiseman
- Ellis
- Emard
- Emery
- Emmons
- Enge
- Enfer
- Erickson
- Erickson's Boat House
- Erickson's Bus Depot
- Ernst
- Erwin
- Espe
- Evans
- Farmer
- Farris
- Favor
- Fekkes
- Ferguson
- Fielding
- Flo's Launderette
- Forbes
- Ford
- Fortin
- Fortue
- Fousel
- Frasl
- Fredericksen
- Freeman
- Freer
- Frost
- Fujioka
- Fuits
- Galbraith Motors
- Gale
- Gall
- Gallacci
- Galloway
- Gardella
- Garrett
- Gately
- Gebhard
- Geiser
- Gente
- Gepford
- Gibbs
- Giffin
- Gilbertson
- Gillespie
- Gilliland
- Goodman
- Gors
- Gove
- Grab
- Grady
- Grater
- Greer
- Green
- Gregory
- Gronka
- Gross
- Grossman
- Grote
- Grotz
- Grove
- Grover
- Guitar
- Guyett
- Guyton
- Hager
- Haggard
- Hale
- Halverson
- Hamilton
- Hamon
- Hamrick
- Hanks
- Hanlin
- Hanna
- Hansberry
- Hansen
- Happy's Grocery Store
- Hardtke
- Harleman
- Harm
- Harman
- Harp
- Harper
- Hartle
- Hays
- Headley
- Heath
- Helgeson
- Hendrix
- Henry
- Heritage Quest
- Hernandez
- Hill
- Hinds
- Hinton
- Hjelmeseth
- Hodgson
- Holstine
- Hope
- Horse Heaven Standardbred Farm
- Houlehan
- Houston
- Howell
- Hreha
- Huber
- Hueneka
- Huesby
- Huff
- Huff's Glad Patch
- Hunsaker
- Huseby
- Hutchinson
- Imoff & Kaelin
- Inge
- Ingham
- Irish
- Irwin
- Jackson
- Jarboe
- Jay
- Jeffers
- Jenks
- Jennison
- Jennison/Fielding
- Jensen
- Jerome
- Jesse
- Jess Fowler's Grocery Store
- Jewett
- Johnson
- Jones
- Justice
- Kamarad
- Kappahan
- Keating
- Kell
- Keller/Gettman
- Kelly
- Kendall
- Kerry
- Kessner
- Kilby
- Kinney
- Kirk
- Kirkpatrick
- Kirton
- Kistenmacher
- Kitchen Place
- Klaus
- Klaverkamp
- Knaack
- Knight
- Knowles
- Koch
- Koehler
- Koehler Hop Kiln
- Kohlers
- Kostelecky
- Krondak
- Kropp
- Krueger
- Kunish
- Kupfer
- L&M Tavern
- Landos
- Lane
- Latimer
- Leach
- Lemka
- Lettiere
- Lewis
- Lew Knight's Gas Station
- Lightfoot
- Lincoln
- Lindley
- Lindsay
- Line
- Littlejohn
- Lodde
- Logan
- Lonergan
- Love
- Lowe
- Lowen
- Lucas
- Luhtala
- Luka
- Lum
- Lund
- Lundell
- Lyon
- McAbee
- McAllister
- McClannahan
- McCoil
- McCoy
- McCullough
- McDonald
- McFarland
- McGowen
- McHenry
- McKay
- McKenny
- McKinney
- McMahon
- McMullen
- McTaggert
- Magee
- Magar
- Magrini
- Mahncke
- Maitland
- Maitland Fuel and Transfer
- Mann
- Maknske
- Mapes
- Marenco
- Marr
- Marsh
- Marshall
- Martonik
- Mazza Cheese Company
- Mead
- Meek
- Meeker
- Meitzler
- Meitzler's Greenhouses
- Melville
- Mercer
- Meskiman
- Messinger
- Miller
- Mize
- Moats
- Momarts
- Montgail
- Moore
- Morgan
- Morisse
- Morisse Perennial Garden
- Morrison
- Moser
- Mouton
- Muehler
- Mueller
- Mueller-Harkins
- Mulkins
- Muller
- Multhaupt
- Muraco
- Murdock
- Myers
- My Wife's Cafe
- Nauer's Dairy Farm
- Needham
- Nelsen
- Neubert (p 96 - see Tom)
- Newcomb
- Newell
- Nilles
- Nix
- Noble
- Noble Bros. Dairy and Hop Farm
- Northrop
- Noses
- Nunnally
- Nunnally Realty
- Nutt
- Nybo
- Ochsen
- Odd
- Ogle
- Ohlen
- O'Malley
- Orth
- Orting Alumni Association
- Orting Christian Church
- Orting Greenhouse and Floral
- Orting Oracle
- Orting State Bank
- Orting Telephone Company
- Orting United Methodist Church
- Orting Volunteer Firefighters
- Otis
- Panter
- Parent
- Parkison
- Parnell
- Patterson
- Paulon
- Penn
- Pennel
- Penney
- Petera
- Peters
- Phelon
- Phillips
- Pike
- Pinson
- Pitts
- Platt
- Porter
- Presley
- Price
- Pruitt
- Purvis
- Rabie Place
- Rainey Glenn Farm
- Rakes
- Rarey
- Rauch
- Raum
- Ray tinnon Trucking
- R Cedar Stables
- Reed
- Reedy
- Rice
- Rich
- Richardson
- Riddell
- Riddle
- Ridge
- Riehl
- Riggs
- Rinkel
- Rinkel Motor Company
- Robbins
- Robert
- Rodgers
- Roesli
- Roesli Ranch
- Roether
- Roger's Texaco
- Rolfe
- Roots
- Rose
- Ross
- Rounds
- Roush
- Rowe
- Rowland
- Royce
- Rucshner
- Rudnick
- Rushton
- Rybon
- Samuel
- Sarff
- Sasaki
- Sasaki Farm
- Sauve
- Saxton
- Scangos
- Schaal
- Scheibner
- Schieber
- Schlumpf
- Schmidt
- Schoenbachler
- Schryer
- Schulmann
- Schultes
- Schumacher
- Schwanz
- Schweikart
- Schwietzer
- Scott
- Seat
- Selle
- Serosky
- Sessions
- Settle
- Shannon
- Shirer
- Sholz
- Shope
- Shouse
- Sienkiewich
- Sigafoos
- Silvernail
- Silvers
- Simons
- Simpson
- Sizer
- Skinner
- Skinner Construction
- Slagle
- Smith
- Smith Place
- Snodgrass
- Soper
- Spangler
- Spaulding
- Spealman
- Staab
- Staatz Bulb Farms
- Starkel
- Steiner
- Stephenson
- Stilke
- Still
- Stimson
- Stone
- Strankman
- Strassburg
- Stratton
- Strauss
- Sure Tick Time Shop
- Susee
- Sweet
- Swiggett
- Syersak
- Takahashi
- Talley
- Taylor
- Teitzel
- Temple
- Texaco Service Station
- Thayer
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thompson & Callendar
- Thompson & Lonergan
- Thompsons Brothers
- Thompson's Red & White Store
- Thompson's Store
- Tidball
- Timblin
- Todd
- Townsend
- Tracy
- Treeleven
- Tuppa
- Turnbow
- Turner
- Tuttle
- Ulbright
- Valois
- Van Camp
- Van Gilder
- Van Hoof
- Van Hook
- Vanmetter
- Vann
- VanNoy
- Van Ogle
- Van Scoyoc
- Varner
- Vasely
- Veonatti
- Wadsworth
- Wahle
- Wallin
- Ward
- Warfield
- Wark
- Washington Soldiers' Home
- Waslum
- Watson
- Weaver
- Webb
- Webber
- Weber
- Weigley
- Weitz
- Wekell
- Welch
- Weller
- Wescott
- West
- Western CLinic
- Western Glove Company
- Wetzell
- White
- Whitesell
- Whitlake
- Whitney
- Wickmann
- Wiesner
- Wilbur
- Wilburn
- Wilder
- Wilkins
- Willard
- Willett
- Williams
- Willingham
- Willis
- Wilson
- Wiltse
- Wittmier
- Wohler
- Wood
- Woods
- Woolery
- Woolery Hop Kiln
- Wyckoff
- Wyllys
- Yamaguchi
- Yusko
- Zehnder
- Zierman
- Zirkle
- Zumbuhl