Backing Up Your Genealogy Data - webinar-on-CD-Rom
Backing Up Your Genealogy Data - webinar-on-CD-Rom; by Thomas MacEntee; a live webinar in 2011; 1 hour 30 minutes; CD; Item # LEGweb4
Have you ever experienced a data loss when it comes to your genealogy research? Not yet? Well if not, have you prepared for what might happen if your hard drive fails? What if your laptop is lost or stolen? Learn the basics of backing up all your genealogy data including identifying data, common backup methods and how to use free online programs to help you make sure your data will always be available! Participants will learn various methods for backing up their genealogy data including many free online programs such as DropBox, Google Docs, Picasa and more!
This class was presented to a live webinar (online seminar) audience on March 23, 2011. 1 hour 30 minutes. Plus a link to download the 6 pages of printable and clickable links in the handouts.
Viewer's comments:
- Excellent. I thought I knew lots about backing up, but I learned so much. Thanks for providing these seminars.
- Thomas gave so many tips and suggestions for backing up programs..need to get started....will buy the CD.
- Easy to understand presentation, so much information packed into an hour, motivational, look forward to future webinars.
- An extremely enjoyable, well-paced, informative webinar. This was my first webinar - what an exciting way to learn. Thanks so much for making these available.
- I found Thomas' explanations both thorough and clear....helpful for those of us who are novices.
- Thank you so much for the comparison of different online backup programs. Nice to know about the different elements within each program and that there is no "one size fits all."
- Greatly enjoyed the presentation. Good information for practical use which if I apply it, may keep me from losing much valuable date.
- You provide an excellent, well organized, understandable presentation. Your answers were thoughtful and direct. Felt like you were sitting here next to me walking thru your slides. I would love to attend more webinars with you instructing!
- Very good presentation. Easy to understand, especially for someone who belongs to the "older generation".
- You answered so many questions that I have had about Backing up my Genealogy. Thanks so much.
- Always learn something from Thomas! Thank you so much for the wonderful webinar Legacy and Thomas!
- I couldn't imagine all the data I've been neglecting to backup! What an eye opener. Thank you so much for this great webinar.
- Excellent speaker for a great topic. Will change the way I do backup!
- I found this session very good both in terms of new information and reinforcement of the basics that I already was aware of but do not consistently act on. The presenter was very knowledgeable and spoke in an easy to understand fashion.
- This was my first webinar ever, and I was particularly impressed with how clear and organized it was. Excellent pacing, slides, information and interaction between the presenter and the mediator.
About the author:
Thomas MacEntee is a professional genealogist specializing in the use of technology and social media to improve genealogical research and as a means of interacting with others in the family history community. Utilizing over 25 years of experience in the information technology field, Thomas writes and lectures on the many ways in which blogs, Facebook and Twitter can be leveraged to add new dimensions to the genealogy experience. As the creator of GeneaBloggers.com he has organized and engaged a community of over 1,300 bloggers to document their own journeys in the search for ancestors.
System Requirements: PC or Mac with Windows installed (using Boot Camp, Parallels, etc.). Windows XP or higher, CD-Rom drive, speakers, Adobe Reader to view handouts, Internet connection to download handouts