Austrian Family History Research: Sources And Methodologies
Austrian Family History Research: Sources and Methodologies; by Roger P. Minert and Charlotte Noelle Champenois; 2019; Soft Cover; Perfect Bound; 8.5x11; 166 pp; ISBN: 9781628592580; Item #: FR0649
For years, researchers investigating Austrian ancestry have felt like second-class citizens in the genealogical world, given the number of books written for neighboring countries, such as Germany. But now the wait is over, and the book we need is here. The authors have covered the topic in great detail and have included images to show the kinds of records that are available to study. Novices and experts alike will benefit from the sources and methods described in detail in this book.
The following is from the Table of Contents:
- Acknowledgements
- Map of the Republic of Austria
- The Republic of Austria in 2019
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: A Brief Outline of Austrian History
- Chapter 2: The History of Catholic Church Records in Austria
- Chapter 3: Protestant Church Records in Austria
- Chapter 4: Jewish Records
- Chapter 5: Civil Records in Austria
- Chapter 6: Census Records in Austria
- Chapter 7: Military Records
- Chapter 8: Residential Registration in Austria
- Chapter 9: Emigration and Passports
- Chapter 10: Gazetteers and Maps in Austria
- Chapter 11: GenTeam
- Chapter 12: Matricula-Online
- Chapter 13: National Repositories
- Chapter 14: General Methodologies for Austrian Family History Research
- Chapter 15: Case Studies
- Case Study 1: Nothing but “Austria” Is Known
- Case Study 2: The Ancestral Town is Believed to be in a Specific Crownland
- Case Study 3: The Hometown is Not Correctly Identified in the Records Collected by the Researcher
- Case Study 4: The City of Vienna is the Supposed Origin
- Case Study 5: The Researcher Has a Birth Certificate or a Church Record Extract
- Chapter 16: State by State Resources and Methodologies
- Burgenland
- Kärnten [Carinthia]
- Niederösterreich [Lower Austria]
- Oberösterreich [Upper Austria]
- Salzburg
- Steiermark [Styria]
- Tirol [Tyrol]
- Vorarlberg
- Wien [Vienna]
- Chapter 17: Former Austrian Crownlands Not Included in Modern Austria
- Böhmen [Bohemia]
- Bukowina [Bukovina]
- Dalmatien [Dalmatia]
- Galizien [Galicia]
- Krain [Carniola]
- Küstenland [Austrian Littoral]
- Mähren [Moravia]
- Schlesien [Silesia]
- Appendix A: Alphabets Found in Original Austrian Family History Records
- Appendix B: Genealogical Terms
- Appendix C: Miscellaneous Resources and Methodologies
- Appendix D: Recording Austrian Place Names
- Appendix E: Austrian Cemeteries
- Appendix F: Writing to Archives in Austria and the Czech Republic
- Translation Aid: English to German
- Appendix G: Conducting Research in Archives in Austria and the Czech Republic
- Appendix H: Interview with Felix Gundacker
- Bibliography
- Index
What the experts say about Austrian Family History Research
This book is what we in Vienna call a Hammer [grand slam]! The organization is excellent and serves both the beginner and the expert. I really like the many images that the authors have included. A novice can hope to read and analyze such documents using logical processes and a modicum of knowledge and skill. This book invites the researcher to just sit back and read about the best methods and thereby gain confidence for engaging in the work.
Felix Gundacker, author, researcher, and lecturer in Vienna, Austria
This book is a must-have for anyone researching Austrian ancestry! It explains the history and genealogical use of major record types, resources, and repositories, and includes many sample images. Detailed instructions make it easy to navigate the major websites successfully. Explanations of regional peculiarities, case studies illustrating research methodology, and helpful appendices round out the volume. From beginner to expert, everyone will find this publication useful!
Baerbel K. Johnson, AG®, Research specialist, Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah
We would expect researchers of Austrian family history to scoff at the claim by researcher Felix Gundacker, that “Austrian family history research is paradise.” But scoff they should not! Those skeptical family history researchers simply haven’t yet looked into this book’s approach to Austrian research. This book is loaded with pertinent Austrian sources and just as importantly guides the researcher through methodologies for Austrian family history research. “Paradise”? Yes, indeed!
Shirley J. Riemer, award-winning editor of Der Blumenbaum in Sacramento, California