A Collection Of Upwards Of Thirty Thousand Names Of German, Swiss, Dutch, French And Other Immigrants In Pennsylvania From 1727 To 1776, Second Revised And Enlarged Edition
This work is concerned with early Palatine immigration and contains 319 ships' passenger lists with a total of 30,000 names. The arrangement is chronological according to date of arrival, listing the names of the ships on which the passengers arrived and the places from which they emigrated. In addition, the appendixes list over a thousand early settlers who landed at some port other than Philadelphia, but who afterwards came to Pennsylvania from New York, North Carolina, and Georgia. Included are "Names of the First Palatines in North Carolina, 1709 and 1710," and "Names of Salzburgers Settled in Georgia, 1734-1741."
To those engaged in the study of American genealogy, this work will require no introduction. Over the years it has achieved a reputation as one of the most useful tools for identifying persons who came to North America between 1727 and 1776, and the demand for copies of it has not ceased since its original publication over 100 years ago.
"Thirty Thousand Names of Immigrants in Pennsylvania" Book Review